<p>Brown U
Columbia U Columb C
Cornell U
Dartmouth C
Duke U (ED)
Emory U
Georgetown U
Johns Hopkins U
Rice U
Vanderbilt U
Washington U St. L. </p>
<p>i need to cut some schools....HELP</p>
<p>Rank: 4/310
GPA: 4.3
SAT: 700 CR 770 M 710 W (2180) should i retake? i really am tired of SAT...
PSAT: enough to make national merit
SATII: IIC: 710 (retake, close to 800)
Chem: 710 (retake, 750+)
Bio M: still contemplating if i should or not........
Am his
(probably all 5's and one 4 somewhere)</p>
<p>Junior year: AP Chem, AP Chem laboratory, AP English, AP American His,
AP Calc AB, French, Journalism
( B in AMHIS 1st sem. and B in Chem 2nd sem.) </p>
<p>Senior Year: something like this...: AP Bio, AP Bio lab, AP Calc BC,
AP Physics, AP French, Journalism, AP English</p>
<p>EC's: </p>
<p>Beta Club President (12)
Beta Club Treasurer (11)
Created a new club to Promote AIDS/Cancer awareness (11,12)
Key Club Vice Pres (12)
Mayor's Advisory Comm Treasurer (11)
VP (12)
NHS Secretary (12)
Model United Nations State Officer: President on Council (10,11,12)
Hosiptal Volunteer for 3 years
School Newspaper Editor (not chief) (10,11,12)
Varisty Tennis, Gymnastics, and Swimming (9,10,11,12)
Piano (10 years)
Math Club (9,10,11,12)</p>
Discover Tribute Scholarship State Winner
Tulane Book Award
Club Awards saying most hours for year, blah most dedicated member
Some convention Awards
Piano Awards, blah</p>
<p>Summer Programs:
Wash U summer scholars program - def. recs
Hospital 6-week volunteer program (2 years)</p>
<p>YAY please help!</p>