Duke engineering versus arts and sciences

<p>IN terms of admissions, which undergrad school is easier to get into? I am curious bc I am applying as a biomedical engineering major and I don't know if I should apply as a biology major into the arts and sciences school instead. I would appreciate some insight. :)</p>

<p>you should be posting on the Duke pages…to get the attention of a Duke student. My son is in arts and sciences at Duke.<br>
and I think you should post honestly about where you want to focus and study most. Biomedical is a strong tough program at Duke, but you will find that most students at Duke have the stats to get in any specialization so it really comes down to career discernment about yourself. My son took the inventory tests etc as soon as he got to Duke to help him sort this out…another way he sorted this out was by his personal performance once in the classroom…which is a tried and true method for most of us. :slight_smile: He did not major in the thing he proposed to do.
Study up on the T-Reqs of each degree and read up on the profession. I know Biomedical grads in business and in med schools as well as in engineering careers.</p>