Duke > UNC?


<p>Ummmmmm…in before the forest fire.</p>

-Ms. (C)leo</p>

<p>forest fire??</p>

<p>Sorry, I think giant meteor strike and/or nuclear explosion(s) might sum it up better?</p>

<p>Not in basketball, football, or in-state reputation.</p>

<p>You’re just dying to have a flame war, aren’t you?</p>

<p>UNC has some of the most beautiful girls in the country (I’m sure the guys are much the same but that’s not my thing), we also have Franklin Street and one of the best college towns in the south.</p>

<p>Duke has ugly girls and Durham. </p>

<p>'nuff said.</p>

<p>**I’m mostly kidding for those that don’t get a little fun-natured ribbing, even though it’s true :D</p>

<p>You know the shirts that have
“Carolina girls…”
“…Best in the world.”
and how like every other school has an imitation of that shirt now?</p>

<p>I saw a shirt on franklin street a few weeks ago
“Duke girls”
“…Have testicles”</p>

<p>phony… you’ve just made my day that was funny</p>

<p>Chapel Hill is waaaaay better (and a heck of a lot safer) than Durham.</p>

<p>This is why people from Duke always come to UNC to party…</p>