Duke vs. Columbia vs. Rice

<p>hello guys-</p>

<p>im having a bit of trouble deciding where to go for next yr..(i know it's pretty darn late..but still... ive been doing all kinds of stuff to make a decision n it's hard)</p>

<p>im planning to major in architecture/psychology...
yes i am aware of the fact that Duke doesnt offer architecture as a undergrad major.. but i mean i can always try diff things in undergrad and go to an architecture school for graduate s. it's ironic, but i've been an art/science/literature student throughout my life... so pre-med is another option. see how complicated my situation is? </p>

<p>so here's a favor you can do for me: which school might be most fit? pros n cons? I know basic stuff like city/ suburban area.and all that...but in my case (as described above), where should i go???</p>

<p>Duke vs. Columbia vs. Rice architecture</p>

<p>Columbia is a totally different experience due to its location. It should either be the school you choose or eliminated on that basis. You need to visit for a few days and get a sense as to what it is like going to school in a very urban setting. As perceptions of NYC have risen over the years, Columbia has risen from a bit of a nadir and become very popular with students from across the country. You will either love or hate the environment. </p>

<p>No one goes anywhere in architecture without a graduate degree, and you really don't have to be doing much in the way of studying architecture as an undergraduate to get into a graduate program.</p>

<p>You can't make a bad choice between Duke and Rice. They are both great schools, and a student who does not thrive at one probably would not have thrived at the other.</p>