<p>I was recently accepted to both of these schools, but now I obviously have to decide on where I'm going to go. Duke has always been my dream school, but Vandy offered me a scholarship so now I can't decide. Each year, Vandy would cost $9,850 as opposed to the $20,570 per year I'd pay at Duke. Do you think the prestige of Duke outweighs the prestige of a scholarship at Vandy? Which one, in your opinion, should I attend? Thanks.</p>
<p>Duke. Seriously.</p>
<p>I'd say Vanderbilt</p>
<p>"Duke outweighs the prestige of a scholarship at Vandy" of course!!!! Duke hands down!</p>
<p>if you are going to grad school and want to save money, Vandy. If money is not a problem go to Duke.</p>
<p>Go to Duke. The smart kids I know at Vandy are miserable...</p>
<p>I want to apply to both of these next year.</p>
<p>In the long run i think Duke because you will have the chance to get a better job and even if you owe money you will make more in the long term.</p>
<p>Bump Bump Bump</p>
<p>For only 10K difference Duke for sure.</p>
<p>you'll get a great education at both, but the difference is peer group. there will be bright kids at both institutions, but there will be a much higher percentage at duke. both campuses are beautiful and friendly (in my opinion). and vandy is more "southern" than duke (based on where students come from). if you can, I would go duke.</p>
<p>What do you think will be the difference in the peer group between Rice and Duke? Where will there be more bright kids and is there a type of student who prefers Duke over Rice or vice versa?</p>
<p>I was in same position except Duke would have cost 40k and Vandy would have cost 20k and I chose Vandy. Both schools are good schools, but I do think that Duke has a slight edge. But, for a difference of 43k over 4 years, I would say go with Vandy if money is an issue. If money is not that important, I would probably say Duke.</p>
<p>go vanderbilt.</p>
<p>I'd say Vandy too.</p>
<p>what are you guys talking about with "peer group" -- Vandy is a top 20 school. The prestige difference is slight, if money is a factor Vanderbilt is the clear choice.</p>
<p>ehh..... there is definitely a difference in the student bodies at the two schools. don't lie...</p>
<p>Yeah, I agree with incollege88 that there's a difference. Both in ambition and (to a lesser degree) culture.</p>
<p>There is a significant difference. The difference between Harvard and Duke is much less than Duke and Vandy.</p>
<p>Duke has a stronger student body and slightly better reputation than Vanderbilt. But, statements like "The smart kids I know at Vandy are miserable" or "The difference between Harvard and Duke is much less than Duke and Vandy" are distortions of reality. Duke is better, but if money is an issue, coming to Vandy will do you no harm. Vandy is great, and Vandy might turn out to be better for you than Duke. At the end of the day, college is what you make out of it.</p>
<p>And, I turned down Hopkins for Vanderbilt because of money. Right now, to tell you the truth, I feel like Vanderbilt suits me a lot better than Hopkins does because of the type of person that I am. Hopkins is still better than Vandy if the term 'better' means better reputation and stronger student body, but Vandy fits me better and I am happy to be here. And, I don't have to worry about loans etc as well.</p>