<p>so I applied to all my schools yesterday via the commonapp online. I was going to submit my Bates app separately and remove my test scores (I didn’t send them any official scores, but I did have them filled in on the standardized test section for my other schools), but to my dismay, it wouldn’t let me remove them! Since I haven’t sent Bates official scores through ACT and I checked the “do not consider my scores” box on the supplement, they won’t consider it will they? I mean, my scores weren’t terrible, but I really want to take advantage of the test optional policy.</p>
<p>Also, I have a lot of legacy at Bates but when I hit the print preview button on the supplement, only one or two of the names were begin shown and the rest were cut off. So in the box I put “Please see supporting materials via post” and I’m going to mail it to them tomorrow with a brief explanation. Did I totally just shoot myself in the foot?</p>
<p>Woah, lots of rambling. Sorry if that is completely incoherent.</p>
<p>If I were you, I would write a concise note to admissions (see if you can find an area dean for your state/city) explaining the issues you encountered with the common app. Bates really believes in its SAT optional policy so I don’t think they even want to consider scores unless they are instructed by students to do so. Their philosophy is that standardized test scores and academic success in college are unrelated. Don’t ramble in your email, just provide the necessary information and request that admissions contact you should they have any outstanding questions/concerns. If your legacy is with your mother, father or a sibling, I am sure they will be very responsive. Good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks Swedefish. I was pretty freaked out when I started this thread (check the timestamp - ha!) but I’m feeling much more confident about it. </p>
<p>So you think it would be better to email rather than ‘regular’ mail?</p>
<p>Common App instuctions state that some schools don’t recieve the scores. They can opt out of that part of the application. Since Bates is a test option score you might just call them and find out if they opt out of test scores.</p>
<p>Englishivy: Either would be fine. However, email is obviously faster, plus it would allow whoever receives it to forward it to other people in the office (should need be). A physical letter will probably just end up in your folder and who knows when that will be dealt with. What I am getting at is that using email, you can choose who receives your message (e.g. the general admissions email address as well as your area dean’s), whereas with regular mail, it will most likely end up in your folder and who knows when that will be dealt with. Plus, if you want a speedy response, it would certainly be easier for an admissions dean to email you by clicking reply than to sort through paperwork to find your address, etc. It’s up to you. Or you could call and ask what they’d prefer…</p>
<p>I just called the admissions she said that as long as you put on your app that you don’t want certain scores considered they will black them out.</p>
<p>I just wanted my subject tests to be considered but when I send my score report it sends all and she said it’s ok because they will black it out before they see them.</p>
<p>I did exactly the same thing!! and its funny that I reacted the same way too… “DUMB DUMB DUMB!!”. Then, I called up a friend who told me that Bates is the “Leader” of anti-SAT movement so it doesn’t matter. Bates became SAT optional in 1984 or something. So, it doesn’t matter if they see your scores or not. That was so relieving! : )</p>
<p>Still, as I’m applying to a lot of SAT optional colleges, he told me to be careful next time. he told me about "</p>