Dumb mistake (not in my favor): to correct or not to correct?

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I have sent out my Common App to Harvard and Princeton, but just realized that I put waaaay LESS hours for my research EC than the actual amount of hours. On average, I actually did 14 hours/week for 15 weeks, but I made a calculation error at ~2am and put down 5 hours/week on my app instead.</p>

<p>I have won science awards and such to demonstrate my work in research, but science is still one of the big "features" for my applications. Should I call my admissions officers (at the risk of appearing dumb) to correct this mistake? Or will it really not make a difference in the long run?</p>

<p>I've looked through threads and have yet to find one where someone accidentally DEFLATES their hours like me...orz. Advice would be much appreciated! Thanks~</p>

<p>I’d say call the admissions officers and say that you’d like to submit a change to your application. I’ve seen other posts about small screw-ups in their common apps and they’ve gotten that same answer. They’ve found the officers to be more than accommodating. Hope you get everything fixed up, and get into the college you want!</p>

<p>I agree with jheono and would email/call the admissions officers. It certainly can’t hurt. However, I think you will be okay no matter what if you have still won awards, because it shows that you are successful in your research, and admins know that takes a lot of time. So I wouldn’t stress about it too much. Good luck!</p>

<p>It does look better to have more research hour. However, admitting a careless mistake on the application may also have some negative impact. You may want to evaluate the importance of that additional 100+ hours of research on your application to see if it is good to make that call.</p>

<p>I would suggest that it depends on the context of your research hours in your total application. If you only have one or two ECs listed, then I would definitely contact adcoms with the change. However, if you already have large numbers of hours listed for your activities, I would let it stand, especially since you have the honors demonstrating your impact.</p>

<p>Unlike cgabby, I believe asking adcoms to change your app could hurt your review if handled poorly. Be polite and have solid answers to questions they might ask about the change.</p>

<p>I hear tha the colleges care far more about what you accomplished than the number of hours. They will know you did well if they see the awards. If you really feel inclined too, I do not think calling would hurt too much. If they like you, I doubt the mistake would keep them from accepting you. Do you have other activites or was this thr main thing on your application. If it is the main thing, I would call.</p>

<p>Oh for goodness sakes, if you’re determined to do this, send a (very) brief email. Do not waste their time with a phone call!</p>

<p>The receptionist can print your email and slip it into your file. It really should be very brief:</p>

<p>Please note the following correction:
Hours for Research EC = 14 hrs./week, and not 5 hrs./week as perviously indicated.
Thank you.

<p>Oh dear :frowning: I sent out emails regarding the mistake before I saw all of the comments…now I’m quite worried. I do have many other extracurriculars, although my essays and everything basically focus on my research.</p>

<p>My email was fairly brief: Greeting, apology, please note this change, mea culpa, thank you.</p>

<p>Sighs <em>anticipates sleepless night</em> perhaps I was too rushed. Regardless, thank you all for your feedback!</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about it :slight_smile: I doubt the admissions officer will hold it against you. If they want you, they will accept you.</p>



<p>Sounds good - get some sleep!</p>