<p>so NU has the quarter system. does that mean you take the typical 4 classes per quarter and 4 quarters per year? that's 64 classes total. that definitely can't be right. so how's it actually work?</p>
<p>3 quarters in the regular yr, the last quarter is an optional summer session. heard you end up taking 12+ courses a year or something like that… </p>
<p>look it up on the nu website, they explain it</p>
<p>How many credits do students usually take a quarter?</p>
<p>Stacym is correct…3 quarters throughout the official school year: Fall (September-December), Winter (January-March), Spring (April-June).</p>
<p>Each quarter, you can take 5.99 credits, with 1 credit generally being equal to 1 course (some courses, especially in music, are .5 credits). The 5.99 means, basically, you can take 5.5 credits. You need special approval to be able to take a full 6. </p>
<p>You have to take a minimum of 3 credits to be considered a full-time student, but you won’t be able to graduate on time if you only do 3-credit quarters. So it ends up that most people take 4 credits per quarter. I take 5, but only because I have 2 voice credits in addition to my other academics. </p>
<p>Hope that made sense…</p>
<p>yea, that helped a lot. thanks</p>
<p>No problem. =]</p>
<p>That’s actually for com, lovely. For Weinberg you need permission to go beyond 4.99 (that’d be 5 classes). Some people take up to 7 a quarter. Permission is easy to come by so long as your GPA is about a 3.3.</p>