Dumb Question re meal Plans for Sophomores

<p>I’m sure this info is at the UA site; plus, it’s probably here in the archives, too. Bear with me if you’ve heard this before, please!</p>

<p>Can a returning student (e.g., sophomore) opt out of all meal plans? Last year DS ate at Fresh Foods a lot, plus he did Late-Night Breakfast at Lake Side, but other than that, he wasn’t much interested in the meal plan. He’d like to have more flexibility this year – especially with Publix and Strip restaurants so convenient. He figures he could just use his debit card or Bama Cash for the occasional Fresh Foods lunch or Lakeside late-night breakfast.</p>

<p>Can he do this as a returning student without incurring a fine?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>


<p>I was under the impression that meal plans were only a requirement for freshmen. And I’m hoping somebody weighs in definitively and says that’s true, because my kid only ate about half of her meals and spent a lot of money at Publix and Target for food on top of what we paid for the unused meal plan. I have big ideas for that meal plan savings this year!</p>

<p>I don’t think a meal plan is req’d for sophs. The Dining Dollars are req’d. </p>

<p>Your son may want to have the 50 meal plan deal for the occasional times when he’s on campus during lunch time and wants to eat. It’s not easy to run back to a dorm during the middle of the day to eat. </p>

<p>The 50 meal plan would be about 3 lunchs (or whatever) per week for a semester.</p>

<p>We’re under the impression that the meal plan isn’t required of sophomores. We’ve considered the 50 meal plan, but think we will be as well off without a plan and rely on using Bama Cash and Dining Dollars since the cost saving per meal don’t seem significant for us.</p>

<p>depends on how well your kid likes the dining hall food and how busy they are (easily able to get somewhere else for lunch). my daughter doesn’t mind the meal plan, so she is happy to eat lunch at fresh foods. we went with the 90 meal plan for her soph. year. she used almost all of them.</p>

<p>you are right that the savings isn’t enough to justify it, but if kid is likely to eat 3-4 times a week on campus, then you probably can’t go wrong with the 50 meal plan, but skipping it altogether would be fine if your kid likes to eat more at the food court places.</p>

<p>My D will only be using Dining Dollars and Bama Cash.</p>

<p>The Dining Dollars are mandatory and loaded at beginning of semester (2 or 3 hundred, can’t recall) - and can’t be replenished until next semester – so use these funds first, and then move to Bama Cash after that.</p>

<p>Both are accepted at dining facilities and there is only a small mark up per meal for not using a “dining plan”.</p>

<p>Only load small increments of $$ on Bama Cash as needed, anyone who gains access to students ACT card can swipe - no PIN/Password needed.</p>

<p>At least that’s what we understood at BB last month.</p>

<p>You may want to load a decent account of cash on Bama Cash to start the semester, as students can use it for purchases at the SupeStore and University Supply Store. Although my son got most of his books before he returned to school last fall, he learned later that he needed some additional items. Bama Cash was a good way to make his purchases.</p>

<p>As for meal plans, my son got a 50 meal plan deal for his second year. Hardly ever used it. He prefers Bama Cash and Dining Dollars, since that offers him lots of freedom for some strange hours for meals.</p>

<p>Thanks much, y’all!! I think we will go with Bama Cash and Dining Dollars and skip the meal plan. He will probably use Dining Dollars only for the occasional Fresh Foods lunch. And the occasional Late-Night Breakfast at Lakeside.</p>

<p>His idea of a nutritious quick lunch between classes is a cup of frozen yogurt at that yogurt place on the Strip – name escapes me at the moment. LOL!</p>

<p>If you do decide to get a meal plan, wait until school starts as Bama Dining will offer incentives to buy a meal plan then. Adding a meal plan later also gives you a couple extra months to pay the cost.</p>

<p>“iHis idea of a nutritious quick lunch between classes is a cup of frozen yogurt at that yogurt place on the Strip – name escapes me at the moment. LOL!”</p>

<p>Probably TCBY</p>

<p>SEA_Tide, I would have loved to have you around back when I was a starving college student.</p>

<p>Nothing wrong with a little froyo, though I prefer YOMO to TCBY. I had the silver meal plan freshman year, and didn’t even use half of it. Sophomore year, I had the lowest possible plan, and still had plenty left over. Last year I didn’t get a meal plan,and I ate at Fresh Foods twice. </p>

<p>I feel like the meal plans are definitely a waste of money. I’d rather use Dining Dollars or my debit card, eating at the food court or brown bagging it. Or using friends’ guest meals :)</p>

<p>D didn’t have a meal plan sophomore year & won’t this year either. With the proximity of Publix to campus & her ability to cook some basic things, she was fine. She used all $300 Dining Dollars in the fall, and about $200 in the Spring. We deposited $300 into her bank account on the 1st of each month and she used that at Publix & for dining out 1-2x/week.</p>