Dumbest thing your college student ever asked you?

The “Text from my College Student” Tiktok really cracks me up. Your comments do not disappoint #freshman #collegelife #text #son #dau... | the leighton show | TikTok

What’s the dumbest thing your student ever texted you?

“Where do I put the stamp?”


One of his kids goes to William and Mary, so it’s fun to see my college in the background.

“I never knew buying groceries was so expensive”.


The power in the whole city where DS went to college went out. He was walking back to his dorm, and the text he sent was “when is the power going to come back on”

My response…”could be two minutes, two hours, two days or two weeks”


“Do I have matching organs”… filling out health form.

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“Where does the detergent go?”

Asked freshman year about the dorm top load washing machine. Child had been doing their own laundry since the age of 14 but only on our front loader and was looking for the slide out drawer to put in the detergent. (Probably more of a parenting fail on my part ; )) but there were clear instructions posted above the washer that she just choose to ignore and texted me instead.


My old boss said this was super common for young employees…so much that they added a photo of a stamped envelope and instructions to the training binder ; )


Not my kids, but my grad students: How do I write a check? We had to put a completed sample at the front desk for them to reference.

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Not my kids but goes back to when I was in school having conversation with girl that would become my sister-in-law and explaining to her that the water out of the faucet was likely at some point - and some part - water she (or someone) flushed down the toilet. Completely blew her mind and grossed her out.

When I was dating my now husband he asked me how I knew when water was boiling.


Not a college student- after college when working the first professional job:

“did you know that even with health insurance you have to pay the doctor when you leave?”

When I was dating my now husband, he was surprised to learn that it was normal practice to wash drinking glasses. “But they just had water in them.”

And glasses that had contained alcoholic drinks, “Doesn’t the alcohol keep them clean?”


One of my daughter’s was around 16 when I took her to the podiatrist for a foot injury, once my kids hit high school they filled out their own medical forms. I was torn if I should’ve taken that moment to finally let her know that not everyone referred to their big toe as “thumb toe.” I broke the new to her. And yes, I also realized that addressing the kids’ thank you notes did them no favors.

“How much is a pinch of salt?”

“What’s a rolling boil?”

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One of mine, freshman year attending school in the northeast. We’re in Seattle.

“Uh, so how am I getting home?”

Well, it’s over 3,000 miles away. What are your thoughts?


I mean, that’s just science.


The dumb question the following week is:

“How come I got this cold sore on my lip?”

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“How do I pick a good onion” ?

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Is the onion a metaphor? When you think about it- this is really deep!!!