Duplication in recommendation letters

2 of my recommenders used the expression “your undergraduate program”

How bad is it?

Not bad at all.

more accurately its “recommend the admission of X to your undergraduate program”
Still the same?

Yes. I would suggest you stop dissecting their LoRs; you’ll make yourself crazy. The AOs are certainly not going to microanalyze them.

What is your concern? This is silly. Lots of stock phrases are used in LORs. You should be more concerned if the school knows you have seen them; they may assume that the LOR writers might not be honest knowing you have seen the letters.

The worst possible outcome is that Harvard could suspect that one recommender was plagiarizing the work of the other. This is pretty far fetched but, even if it came to this, it doesn’t reflect on you. That is, unless you wrote two identical letters yourself and asked the recommenders to simply sign them and send them in, in which case you’ve made a pretty serious mistake.

This is absolutely not anything to worry about. This is like saying “to whom it may concern” is plagiarism. Why do you have the letters? If you find yourself reallyanxious about applications, you can always talk to someone. It can be really helpful during this difficult year. Hoping you have some other great schools that you are excited about.