<p>How long are classes that occur three times a week? Two times? Are the ones that occur two times a week longer than the ones that occur three times a week?</p>
<p>The classes that occur two times a week are generally longer (1h 15m) than the three time a week classes (50m). While this is generally true, some classes that only meet twice a week are 50 minutes long, such as Freshman Writing Seminar.</p>
<p>Any M/W/F class is for the most part 50 mins long.</p>
<p>Any T/Th class is usually 1 hr 15 mins long.</p>
<p>Some classes meet only once or twice a week, and it can be anywhere from an hour to three hours, depends. The one credit classes are only an hour, where as the 3 credit classes are 3 hours (but usually only one day). </p>
<p>Also, there are some 4 credit classes which are MTWF and they run 50 mins in length as well. For example, Multi-variable Calculus is one of those classes.</p>
<p>Labs times are everyday (for the Chem/Bio that is) and are 3 hours in length, though you will mostly only need 1.5-2 hours for most labs, the later ones get long though.</p>