DVD Rom Problem PLZ HELP

<p>Kay, I just got this new DVD Rom drive, and I installed 2 games. The installation went fine, but when I try to play the game, it gives me some bull**** that you must not use a copy of the game to play it... it's not a freakin copy! I GOT THE DAMN GAME FOR CHRISTMAS, its not like it's some damn pirated ****...</p>

<p>anyhoo, doesn't anyone know how to fix this super annoying problem?</p>

<p>what games?</p>

<p>Silent Storm and Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. I think the game is irrelevant though, I'm quite sure that every game that has that little CD check thing in the beginning will mess up... both games have the exact same messages.</p>

<p>I think the problem stems from the fact that they are lame a$$ turn-based games...</p>


<p>ok seriously for a sec, what kind of DVD -drive is it? Did you buy it from a store? Or is it some knockoff bootleg brand you bought for 10 bucks? Perhaps the drive cannot read the CD properly...I need some more information though: does your comp meet the required specs? </p>

<p>'Tis odd indeed</p>

<p>bought it off the store... it's not some cheapass **** either...</p>

<p>btw silent storm is excellent, and dawn of war is a real time strategy</p>

<p>my comp more than meets the specs... (athlon 2600, geforce 4200, 512 Ram)</p>

<p>go to the DVD manufacturers website and download the newest drivers. Me thinks that even though it was just recently purchases, it may not be able to read your new games. Other than that, I would have no clue as to the problem.</p>

<p>^Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it now.</p>