<p>Dear Candidate:
Your file will go to committee today.</p>
<p>...does admissions team tell you this?</p>
<p>if so,, how long did it take you to get the appointment/w.e after getting this mail?</p>
<p>Dear Candidate:
Your file will go to committee today.</p>
<p>...does admissions team tell you this?</p>
<p>if so,, how long did it take you to get the appointment/w.e after getting this mail?</p>
<p>Interesting…i’ve never seen or heard of anything like that before. Anyone else?</p>
<p>Once you are qualified physically, medically, and academically your file will go infront of the admissions committee. At which time they will either accept or deny you for competition for an appointment. If accepted you will receive a letter stating you have been placed on the national waiting list.</p>
<p>Afterwards you must wait!</p>
<p>You may not hear anything official other than being on the NWL until after May 1st (when they start heavily taking names off the list).</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Yeah, thats new. Have never heard about an email like that before.</p>
<p>Never heard of such thing. That’s pretty cool.</p>
<p>man, way to make candidates even more nervous than they already are.</p>
<p>"Dear Candidate:
Your file will go to committee today.</p>
<p>…does admissions team tell you this?"</p>
<p>hmdpavy: are you saying you received an e-mail like this or asking if such an e-mail will be sent??</p>
<p>Ahhhh-I get it—I thought the poster meant an email was sent… No, to my knowledge there is no email like that sent out. It wouldn’t really serve any purpose except to make you more nervous than you already are :0</p>
<p>yes, i’m saying that i got email like this… so, i’m the only one???
hell, y did they do this to me??</p>
<p>If the e-mail was addressed to “Dear Candidate” it is unlikely that you were the only one. </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>that email might have been a response to a question that you submitted to them via the candidate portal. Or maybe they made a mistake and sent you the response to another candidate</p>