EA 2018 - L&S to Engineering Transfer

Does anyone know how difficult/easy to transfer from L&S to engineering? I got into L&S but my first choice was Engineering.

Can I still call admission office to see I have chance to get into engineering during RD process?

Don’t bother. You are admitted to the university as a whole. Your preengineering classes will be the same- you need many L&S courses such as math physics et al. Check the engineering site for particulars on a given major, a few are limited because of space.

@wis75 - Thanks

if is in fact quite difficult to transfer from L&S to engineering. 2-3 years ago, when CoE changed their admissions policy, they moved to take as many direct admit freshman as possible. They only have room from transfers when they don’t get enough freshman applicants or students leave CoE. That doesn’t mean no one gets in from L&S, it just means that your grades your first semesters must be stellar. CoE holds information sessions for students on campus that wish to transfer, I would suggest you attend one of those early on. Here is the link for information on cross-college transfer: