EA Acceptances?

<p>Have any early action applicants heard anything yet?</p>

<p>No, I haven't heard anything yet. However, I'm not worried since the official response date isn't until February 1st. Scratch that, I am worried, but about the response, not the response date.

<p>man, i'm counting down the minutes until feb 1.</p>

<p>I got my acceptance in the mail today (by priority!) along with a Non Satis Scire scholarship for $6500 a year. :)</p>

<p>I recieved my acceptance letter today, 10k a year scholarship.</p>

<p>My D just got her acceptance. She' never visited the campus (we had to cancel a fall visit due to sickness. But will now plan a trip during spring break in April. Any advice on what to do, where to stay, etc?</p>

<p>A big fat envelope! AAAh, the agony of notopening your kid's envelopes! Think I'll sneak over to the school and grab him at lunch.</p>

<p>We stayed @ the Lord Jeffrey Inn in Amherst and it was lovely. My D got her acceptance letter on 1/31 and it is her #2 choice- so it is quite exciting!</p>

<p>Mine came on Feb. 1st - Accepted to my first choice!! Aah, such happiness!</p>

<p>I got mine on Feb 1st too.
Got $2000 Faculty Scholarship.</p>