EA Acceptances

<p>Daughter just received her acceptance letter from Marlboro (with scholarship!). She's definitely excited about the acceptance and generous scholarship offer!</p>

<p>I am curious about your D’s choice of Marlboro. My son will also be applying (he is a junior now), I think – it sounds like a good “fit” for him, and we are going to visit in a couple of weeks. If you don’t mind my asking, what is your D’s gpa? My S has a pretty low GPA but he will have a good portfolio (he wants to study film) and recommendation letters and EC/experience.</p>

<p>Hi jsmom1: My dd was looking for a particular type of college, which allowed her freedom to delve deeply into academic areas that she was interested in (as well as freedom to explore other areas that she might be interested in). Marlboro fit her requirements. I think that her interest in what they offered showed in her application’s “why Marlboro?” question. I think if your son is intrigued and excited about what Marlboro can offer him, then it will be evident in his application and I would think that would be a big plus in his favor. Good luck to your son!</p>