EA Admission Decisions: Its time

<p>Good luck to everybody! I was expecting them to release decisions today, because people last year found out the 22nd, but I GUESS I can wait a little longer : p. I really can't wait for them to release decisions, it seems like I've been waiting forever.</p>

<p>Hey Lamorda, do you know when they released decisions last year? Like what time they released them. It has been forever...nearly three months. Good luck!</p>

<p>Well, when I did my detective work into last years topics, I saw that the online info, las in the pop-ups, were up today, a little late. They put them up after they finished sending out all the letters, and it was random who got the pop-ups.</p>

<p>I know that last year many kids commented on the fact that they felt Miami wanted kids to find out through the mail. Is there a chance that they will either forgo pop ups entirely this year or at least delay them until after Feb. 1st?</p>

<p>Eh, no clue, but I do know that their admissions dates of Feb 1st, etc. is totally an estimation. People who early decisioned form my school found out like, 2 weeks in advance. They always send it in the mail well in advance to make sure it makes it to whomever by the 1st, so most people get it early.</p>

<p>The reason I say this is because even if they DO forgo telling you online, you will most likely get your decision soon regardless, it's just a wee bit longer : ).</p>

<p>Oh believe me, I have been rushing home from school and checking the mailbox every day this week :)</p>

<p>ur not the only one :D</p>

<p>Tommorrow being a friday and all seems like the day! It's unlikely that they would release decisions on a monday so its got to be Friday the 23. Will it be a lucky friday the 23? Who knows...Good Luck everyone! Please be sure to post decisions even they become available. Thanks!</p>

<p>you should ask your cap counselors if they've received e-mails from um. Mine said they send her an e-mail every year right before they give out their decisions.</p>

<p>We spoke with admissions yesterday, they said they would start mailing on Monday. During a prior conversation they said Feb lst - Absolutely not before. So who knows.<br>
Maybe today will be the lucky day. Hope so.</p>

<p>Good Luck Everyone.</p>

<p>Nothing in the mail, no pop up... :(</p>

<p><em>goes to check for popup</em></p>


<p>Nothing here either, and I'm like 50 miles from UM, so if it was out, I'd have it. I think what Donut said is right, Monday'll probably be the day, unless UM Admissions finally decides to abide by it's set dates (which I'm realllllllly hoping against).</p>

<p>Is there any chance that they would be sent out over the weekend? It seems like they should have sent them out today instead of waiting.</p>

<p>Don't they know all of our decisions by now? It would be as simple as hitting a button to make our pop up appear....</p>

<p>Yep I agree! Lets go call them and argue.</p>

<p><em>twiddles thumbs and waits patiently for pop-up</em></p>

<p>bum bum bum..waits...waits...</p>

<p>is it time...</p>

<p>I dunno, I really would like it if they sent their results out this weekend, but empirically, most colleges wait for a weekday. I'm still checking tomorrow though lol.</p>