EA Applicant, just wondering about chances...

<p>Asian Male
Small Private School
Class of 2009
Most Rigorous Courseload </p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.8
School does not do weighted GPA.
School doesnt rank.</p>

Euro- 5
Spanish Lang - 5
Calc AB - 5
English lang - 5
US History - 5</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:
AP English Lit
AP Bio
AP Spanish Lit
AP World History
AP Statistics
AP Calc BC</p>

<p>SAT I: 2340 - 780 V 800 M 760 W
SAT II: 800 Math II, 790 Physics, 800 USH
PSAT: 230 (National Merit Semifinalist)</p>

4 years Varsity Cross Country/ Track- Captain of the Cross Country Team/ Winter Track Team for Senior Year
Top Scholar/Athlete award for Track Team</p>

<p>Piano- 9 years - a bunch of regional awards/medals and I passed the Royal Associated Board of Music Grade 8, which is the highest level.</p>

<p>PIng Pong: Nationally ranked top 20, #1 in state, other state and national level tournament accomplishments, I am also the head coach of a clinic, and I give private lessons</p>

<p>A couple of random school clubs, but Im not in leadership positions so Im not really sure if they matter (ex. writer for the newspaper, writing advisor)</p>

<p>National Merit Semi-Finalist
Nation Spanish Exam - Gold level
National Spanish Honor Society
Cum Laude (top 10% of school)
National AP Scholar with Distinction
I won the Math, Science, and character awards at prize day sophmore year (kinda significant, maybe).</p>

<p>Governor's School last summer
Summer Internships doing science research this summer</p>

<p>So...what do you think?</p>

<p>You’ve got a shot. It will come down to your rec’s and essays. Good luck!</p>