EA Chances?

<p>GPA: I want to say 3.9 out of 4?
Rank: Somewhere between 2 and 8 out of 300
Public School</p>

<p>SAT I: 780 M 750 CR 710 W
SAT II: 740 Chem 800 Math II (Maybe taking Lit and Physics and retaking Chem)
AP: Chemistry 5
English Lit (Senior Year)
Physics B (Senior Year)
Calc AB (Senior Year)
...My school doesn't have many APs</p>

-Destination Imagination (Friend and I introduced the program to the school, team recieved highest award, The Da Vinci Award)
-Varsity Math Team (Scored #2 Highest Scoring Junior in Tri-State League)
-National Honors Society
-Winnacore (Basically an Honors Society for Community Service)
-52 current hours of comm. service now, about 80-100 by December)
-Tutored two students in Chemistry
-One year of JV Tennis (Sad, I know, but the following years, schedules conflicted and my coach wouldn't budge)
-One year of Astronomy Club (School ended due to funding)
-National Latin Exam: An award every year so far</p>

<p>Things of Note:
-Work as a Camp Counselor during the summer, sometimes do things for that department for the year. The Director said that she would write me a recommendation
-My dad went to BC for undergrad, Maryland for Grad, Harvard for Post-Doc
-My mom went to BC for undergrad, Columbia for Dental, and Johns Hopkins for her residency</p>

<p>Looking into Chemistry, NOTTTT Pre-med.</p>

<p>Your numbers are good enough not to matter. Did you read the fairly conspicuous "Read me before posting chances threads" thread?</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-chicago/403810-before-you-post-your-chances-thread.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-chicago/403810-before-you-post-your-chances-thread.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I'll start taking bets and an over-under on how many more chance threads we'll have before April.</p>

<p>Toastmaster, I don't mean to be specifically snippy towards you, but I like to make the Chicago boards a "chance"-free zone. I'm also not the only one, I see. All of the information that is useful towards chancing you is publicly available on the admissions website; chance threads tend to discourage other prospective students and make them feel more stressed out than necessary. Think of chance threads as asking, "Does this 750 make me look fat?"</p>

<p>I'd much, much, much rather see posts like, "Hi everybody, I'm interested in chemistry and community service. Would Chicago be a good fit for me? What sorts of programs does Chicago offer for chemistry and community service?"</p>

<p>To which I would respond:</p>

<p><a href="http://collegecatalog.uchicago.edu/pdf_09/CHEM.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://collegecatalog.uchicago.edu/pdf_09/CHEM.pdf&lt;/a>
Chemistry</a> Department - University of Chicago

<p>Here's another thing I noticed: going on what Kodama wrote earlier, your academic profile is very strong. What I'm wondering, though, is why of all the great schools out there, Chicago appealed to you in particular. I hope that's something you can elaborate in your "Why Chicago" essay and in other aspects of your application.</p>

<p>Right now, it looks like you're very, very, very passionate about chemistry. But are you passionate about other things, too? Remember that Chicago has a reading and writing intensive core, so it's not like you can do all chemistry all the time from day 1. Is that something that appeals to you, or not? And why (or why not)?</p>