EA Class of 2023

Anyone else? :slight_smile:

My DS has applied EA. It’s a top pick for him!

My DS too. He’s auditioning for the conservatory this weekend. Snow in the upper midwest!

Best of luck to him! My DS will not audition, but hopes to take lessons. We visited over the summer, so if accepted would need to go back and see it with students. Would be good to go in the winter, a true test of the cold and snow. Safe travels!

DD applied EA, had a great interview and it is also a top choice. Really looking forward to receive results in December or sooner. We visited at the end of their trimester and she really loved the vibe, how friendly everyone was, and the beautiful, compact campus. Good luck to everyone!

Anyone else waiting anxiously for EA results!? It says on the website by December 15. Though that is a Saturday so maybe earlier?

Did everyone else get invited to the phone student QA session next week? Is that for every applicant/interested applicant or just for EA applicants I wonder? My kid has never been invited to a session quite like this where we receive a call though we have done a couple online info sessions that we would tap into with online meeting software. I was thinking it seems a little cold to call a student directly for this session and then possibly reject them just a few days later?

My kid applied for dual degree so he’s more anxious about the conservatory side of admissions.

DS also got an invite to the phone Q&A next week. Hoping he will take the call! I am way more anxious in this process than he is. Seems like the 15th will never arrive.

I’m thinking if my kid is home, we’ll just pick it up and put it on speaker phone if nothing else! It’s coming into our land line. I’d love to listen in as a parent. My kid is super laid back about the process too but I am not!

Got in!

@Neko-cute how did you find that out? I was under the impression all Lawrence portals would be updated at the same time.

Another parent of an EA applicant. D19 did not interview, is interested in music, but isn’t doing the conservatory side.

Definitely plan to do the phone Q&A. D19 can’t “attend,” but we will pick up and put it on speaker phone.

My daughter applied EA, and yesterday got an invitation to the Global Languages and Culture Workshop in February. Did everyone else get that? It sounds really interesting!

DS got an invite to the physics workshop, but not the languages one. Must be based off of their potential majors. One more week! The waiting is awful.

Was the Physics workshop invitation through the portal, via email or mail?

@threedoglimit It came in through email yesterday.

My kid didn’t get invited to either but he applied dual degree and I think he put undeclared for the college side? Should be 1 week I hope!

Yes this waiting is really tough! Although this is my 4th (and last) to go through this process, this is the first one to have such high hopes on a specific college…and the only one where we will have to wait for full financial aid packages to come through in Feb/March before we can make a decision.

Did not receive any invitations but she applied to the English major/Creative Writing so I don’t think they have anything special going on for that department. Constant Portal Checking (CPC) is a major undertaking at this house!

D19 got an invite to the physics workshop the other day via e-mail as well…

May I ask, when did your students submit their application for the Physics workshop? And congrats to those invited, it looks like a fun weekend!

@threedoglimit My son is not going to apply. He is certain that physics is not his thing. I think that he put his interests as chem/bio/general science related, so perhaps that is how he ended up on the list.