EA Decision

<p>Does anyone know if you can get your EA decision online? Thanks!</p>

<p>Hey lsandin!</p>

<p>I certainly hope so. I've been checking the UM website regularly, signing on with the UM ID & PIN number that D used to do her online app. Through November, when I'd sign on, the screen would say that all materials have been received. Then, since about the 10th of December, it was a different screen, showing the data in the online app, and above it saying that the application is 'currently under review', which is the present status. I'm assuming that a yes or no will come on that screen eventually, but who knows...</p>

<p>Stay in touch--is your D still doing Duke?</p>

<p>Hi, We were told at the interview that decisions were snail mailed the old fashioned way! I'd asked if there'd be an email and got that answer. S applied with a paper app but the interviewer wouldn't have known that. I also said that living out west, it would take a long time to get the letter, and the interviewer said they mailed them in a way to take that into account. But I didn't ask if it would be available online.... I guess time will tell!</p>

<p>Miami doesn't post it's decisions online, so you have to wait for snailmail.</p>


<p>jnm123: Yep, d is still "dreaming about Duke".. but she is giving... a little. Hoping that if she gets scholarship money from UM she might think a little differently.. before we hear from Duke. Who knows?<br>
When we check d's online info on the UM site it just has all the student information stuff...no status.. no nothing. Where do you see "currently under review'? Under that message section? On D's it just says.. "you have no messages at this time".</p>

<p>The 'currently under review' statement is in the first paragraph under the 'Review Application' heading. Maybe that's only for online apps. But from the posts, looks like we're going to be hearing via snail mail anyway..and in no more than 12 days! At that point we'll really find out if UM is as generous as they say.</p>

<p>Yeah, D applied RD to Duke, but knows it's the luck of the draw for that place, so she doesn't have her heart set on it--if she gets in, well, that could be a whole different story. But this is a 17-year-old we're talking about--this week she likes BU a lot.</p>

<p>My D hasn't changed her mind since the 3rd grade, LOL! She, too, knows that it is a crapshoot however. She was really loosening up to the idea of Miami after she interviewed in October and learned more about the programs there but then for some reason I can't figure out after she visited there in Nov. she didn't seem as thrilled. I asked her about it and she said she had a great time (she stayed with a friend who moved to Miami to live with relatives her senior year) but how could she "KNOW" that she would be happy there, etc. Of course, we both agreed that there is no way to know for sure if you will be happy anywhere. But for whatever reason, I sensed that her enthusiasm had waivered. She also has apps. in to Emory, Brown(felt that she just HAD to apply to one Ivy and she likes Brown), Southwestern, UNC-Chapel Hill and Rice. So we will see (though not for quite some time for most of these). Is it your understanding that on Jan. 15 they will receive information on whether they received scholarship money? And how much? Also, it is HIGHLY unlikely that we will receive any aid (except maybe loans) BUT do they subtract merit scholarships from any aid that may be received.. i.e. say that they offer us 15,000 in loans - do they subtract the scholarship money from that? I just can't wait to see where she ends up.. it is really driving me crazy!! And of course she isn't happy because almost all of the kids that she goes to school with (small public h.s.) have been accepted to college (almost all in state schools) and know where they will be going... she says that she is sick of everyone asking where she is going and having to respond that she has no idea!</p>

<p>P.S. when I sign on to the site with D's SS# and code it just has three "tabs".. Easy Home, My student Menu and Logout. Under Easy Home there are 5 subheadings: Personal messages, general messages, email information, Personal and Biographical Information and Pin Information. Under My Student Menu there are 6 subheadings: My Academic Records, Course Registration, Student Employment, My Finances, Parking and Health Center. I don't see anything that says "Review Application" and she applied online, too ?? I do know that her application is complete because back in November she went onto the chat thing and they actually checked for her when she asked how she should confirm that her application was complete. So I guess we just wait for the snail mail (kinda funny because come April she will be going crazy for her letter and will of course blame the mail - and my husband just happens to be a mailman so he will probably get lots of abuse then : )</p>

<p>First off, before she filled out her online app, your D should have received in the mail a letter with a UM ID (a C or another letter followed by 8 numerals) and from that, the student can designate a 4-digit PIN number. I believe that's the only way to get online to fill out the app, so hopefully your D will have one.</p>

<p>Go to the UM site, then 'Prospective Students', then 'Applying & Admission', then 'How to Apply', then 'Apply Online', then at the bottom of the next screen 'Go To Sign On'. That next screen should allow you to enter the UM ID & PIN number, which takes you to the 'Review Application' screen I was speaking about.</p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Also, lsandin---</p>

<p>It is my understanding that for EA applicants by January 15 we will receive acceptance AND award info. Financial aid comes after that, and I'm not sure what figure admissions works off when determining aid--it seems to differ from school to school.</p>

<p>D's friend has also applied EA to UM, and her mom called admissions today, and was told that letters are starting to go out this week, and will all be mailed by the 15th. Yikes!</p>

<p>My D also attends a HS where many stay in-state, very few Ivy applications. That's all fine & well, different strokes, you know...</p>

<p>okay.. i will try that. I just sign on to EASY from the site. This is also using the Miami ID number and code (I just can't ever remember the Miami code # so I just use her SS#). I guess that is different. When she gets home I will try with her Miami ID number. Have you ever signed onto EASY? Thanks!</p>

<p>I am so nervous and this isn't even my top choice school... more like 4th choice school. </p>

<p>I will also say that I was elated when I received my first acceptance letter to ANY college- hey, atleast I can go SOMEWHERE!</p>

<p>Hi jnm123 and isandin,</p>

<p>I'm another parent of a potential Miami student. The wait sure is hard. I think I remember isandin's post about how her D got enthusiastic about Miami after an info session. I would love to know more about her visit to the school. We haven't seen it yet but were impressed by the viewbook and the adcomm who came to interview. Any details you can share would be most welcome. Did your D visit, jnm?</p>


<p>Maybe I can help. The EASY system will not show acceptances. (At least it didn't a couple of years ago) The student menu's you are seeing will not be active until your student is registered. The only one that may be activated earlier than that is under the financial aid section under My Finances. That is where you can locate your financial aid package sometime mid-April. You will get any scholarship info when acceptances come in, but the rest of the financial package will be later, although prior to May 1st. At least this is the way they did it a couple of years ago, so I hope this helps you all. </p>

<p>The financial aid packages are determined as such:<br>
Total Tuition + total room and board + fees (this year 456.00) + meal plan state tax + (health insurance if applicable....this is waivable if they are already covered). Now subtract scholarships, grants, and stafford loans. This will be the amount owed by the family. Something else to be considered......son won a few small scholarships from high school for freshman year (I think around 3,000) and it consequently did effect his stafford loans for that year. Did not effect our EFC at all by winning these. </p>

<p>Good luck to all of your student's. Hopefully they will enjoy UM as much as my son does if that is where they choose to go.</p>

<p>Hey Wish, lsandin & Nicole!</p>

<p>Wish--my wife & D visited UM last September, and aside from the tropical climate & drop-dead gorgeous campus, just about everything there appealed to UM. Dorms are utilitarian but nice, the Wellness Center is top-notch and the Physical Therapy school (D's possible course of study) is ranked #4 nationally. School spirit seems to be high. UM's size was just right for D as well--freshman class of about 2000. So at the time of the visit, it was D's top choice, and may still be. I suspect, however, that she might experience a bit of potential geographic separation anxiety, common to 2nd semester HS seniors.</p>

<p>But now is the time for me to keep my mouth shut until all the acceptances (or deferrals/rejections) and packages come in. Then we sit down as a family & evaluate the whole shebang. That's when the REAL hard questions arise. Is School A $20000 'better' over 4 years then School B? How much is the happiness factor worth? If, in the end, we parents have to pony up more than originally expected, are we better off doing it in terms of the interest-cheap Plus loans rather than working it out of our own finances?</p>

<p>As the Wicked Witch of the West said, "...Why, our little party's just beginning..."</p>

<p>I talked to my D a little more last night about her visit to UM in November. She loved the campus (who wouldn't) and the weather was in the mid 80's so she certainly enjoyed that (living in PA warm weather in November is a real novelty). She also thought that the students seemed friendly (and very diverse - which she likes - not much diversity at her h.s. with a class of only 215). She also enjoyed the band that was playing on campus in the middle of the afternoon : ) However, she felt that a few of the buildings looked a little 'scary' though she really couldn't explain why and she also felt the campus lacked a feeling of "unity".. she talked to several students one on one and did not see any of those she was talking with "greet" anyone else. Obviously, she wasn't with any one student for longer than a few minutes though so she said she really can't put her finger on this feeling she had. When she visited Duke she just had a sense of "comraderie" (sp?) that she didn't have at UM (remember for some reason this kid has loved Duke since the 3rd grade, LOL). She said she would have liked to attend a sporting event to see that end of things. (She plays soccer and runs track- although track more for fun than anything else - she stinks at running!) She spoke to one of the English professors (which is what she wants to major in) and was very impressed. She also talked to two girls in the honors program and she is really interested in getting more information on that. It may be that being from a small high school the size of the campus was a little more than she expected.. it is a rather large campus. Overall, she said that she is just nervous because "who knows, I might not even get in" and I think sometimes that she doesn't want to get her hopes too high on any one college for fear that she won't be accepted or won't get enough $$ help to attend and then what.. sad that we all can't afford whatever college our children choose. But I guess this is where lifes lessons begin!</p>

<p>Thanks, jnm and isandin. We are just where you are - hoping it will work out but knowing we'll need to review it all once all the info is in. Miami appeals in our house because it has both a school of business and of communications, with great opportunities for internships in Miami. S wants to experience life in a place that is different and likes the idea that the weather is warm and sunny. He has always enjoyed using his Spanish (studied in school since 7th grade) and Miami - both the u and the city - will offer him many opportunities for that. Also he thinks the size is just about perfect. Not easy to find schools in that size range (7,000-8,000). From afar, it sure seems like a good fit. If we are lucky enough when the letters go out, I am hoping he can visit in Feb. so he can make an informed decision. Meanwhile, we wait, wonder, worry and wish!</p>

<p>Just thought I would let you know jnm 123, I myself called the admissions rep. my D interviewed with to check on when EA decisions would be going out. He said that they START mailing them on the 15th and hope to have them all OUT by Feb. 1. Wonder why the conflicting info. Oh, well, guess it won't be much longer now anyway.</p>


<p>Funny, I heard the same thing over the weekend from D's friend's mom, who called admissions last week. So their story has changed somewhat, but that's OK. Like you said, we'll hear soon enough. On a more sobering note, I did the preliminary FAFSA workup over the weekend & plugged the figures into the EFC worksheet. Ouch--guess I should've spent all my money & lived from paycheck to paycheck. But that's a discussion for another forum...</p>

<p>Someone has posted elsewhere on CC - College Admissions I think - that he/she has been deferred from Miami. Topic subject was Deferred. That makes me wonder a bit about whether there is more than one right answer here. Based on that I figured mail was coming but now I guess maybe not.... You are right, jnm, we'll know soon enough. But I was hoping the wait would be over sooner!</p>