EA decisions/chances

<p>So I know the website says we'll hear back for early action by mid-February. All of my other EA schools sent out decisions way before their "receive by" date. One by six weeks, another by two weeks. I was just wondering if UM is pretty set in their date and they mail everything at once so I should expect to hear that exact date, or if there's some potential for a little wiggle room and I could hope for a January decision? </p>

<p>Also, here's my stats, and I'd love it if you could chance me!
I go to a really tough school and have taken all the honors classes I could, and up until this year have been in the highest level math possible. This year my path should have led me to AP Calc BC but I went with AB so I would have a little easier workload since I was taking other hard classes. So because of this, my weighted GPA is only a 3.7, but my college counselor letter should show that that's good for my school. I have a 35 ACT and a 2000 SAT. Been on the Honor Roll all four years. My school does not rank. I have good letters of rec. Have an okay resume, not the best, but it fills a page. My counselor said my essay was very good.</p>

<p>Last year my D heard on Jan 28th via email on her myUM account. </p>

<p>Regarding your chances: The 35 ACT is excellent and would normally get you in with a scholarship. Hopefully your resume includes some good EC’s. What was the breakdown of the SAT score (or didn’t you report it?). When you say “honor roll”, does your school also have a “high honor roll”? If so, what are the cutoffs between the two?</p>

<p>Most everyone reports that their school is very tough - have never seen anyone say “…I went to a really easy high school…” If UM is looking at you for a merit scholarshop, they expect you to have a difficult schedule AND for your grades to still be near the top. </p>
