EA Deferred Group

Hi to all others deferred, hoping this thread can be a place to share info as we all wait…patiently :wink:
One question I have, does anyone know if there is any chance that they will send admissions to some of the EA deferred applicants before the end of March with the regular deadline applicants? Maybe just hopeful thinking!!

My son was also deferred. A few years ago they notified a few kids in February but it looks like we’ll most likely find out on March 15h.

@SwedishChef12 that’s what I figured but there’s always hope! Wish they did rolling for those that were EA deferred once they hit the Feb 1st regular deadline.

They will have to deal with all of the new applications before they can decide once reviewed applications. They can do rolling admissions on some that are obvious admits/denials but need to put the rest in with the early deferrals. That takes time. A month and a half isn’t that much time. Applying early does not mean a student gets the place over someone who met deadlines.

@wis75 I totally understand they have a lot of work into applications. Was just wondering once they receive the rest of the applications due by Feb 1st and start sorting, if they have a clear idea that an EA deferred applicant can now have a space (based on their major or college choice) or clearly is below the regular applicants and will be denied, would they notify them before the big March decisions. Does this ever happen or will they just hold everyone for March?

Wisconsin tends to do “waves” vs. rolling. However, for early at least they released everything at the same time (or throughout that weekend) so it’s hard to expect a more leisurely release of RD decisions throughout Feb. and March. A deferred application is in the regular pool and gets the same consideration as the applications turned in for RD. However, because they have already viewed the deferred applications, they won’t be able to make any decisions on them until they’ve had a chance to review all the RD applications. Rolling isn’t necessarily faster because oftentimes - like for UMN - they will prioritize stronger regular apps over weaker deferred and regular apps and give those decisions out first. There are few if any scenarios in which an EA-deferred application will get “priority” - either in consideration or in notice - over the rest of the RD pool.

That seems logical- above post.