EA/ED WPI Class of 2025

Hi! Just got into WPI w/ 33K per year scholarship! SO excited haven’t found out about my financial aid package yet but hopefully, I’ll get a decent amount!

GPA: 4.45/5.0 W, 4.0 UW (Top 5% - 14/365)
Scores: No test score cause of COVID :frowning:
Extracurriculars: 3-season varsity runner, Model UN president, numerous biological research programs, community service

See my Chance me if you want my whole break down :slight_smile:

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I also applied for biomedical engineering!

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I got $31.5k per year from the WPI Presidential Scholarship plus the WPI Scholarship of $9,850 per year so I got $41,350 per year off at WPI.


Wow Nice ! You sent SAT scores ?

Wait so the “View Decision” under the Financial Aid part of my app isn’t my Financial Aid Package? Is it missing some money that will be given to me or is all that is listed final until appeal?

are you a girl?

Wow! Congrats!! Can you please share your scores?


4.357 w 3.7 uw really strong essays
rank top 5%
didn’t send SAT
7 AP’s
really strong letters of rec.
a lot of ECs/leadership

No I didn’t.

According to many previous posts, WPI does not match other financial aid offers but never hurts to ask! Maybe things will be different in this COVID era.

WPI doesn’t accept into majors. Students declare later on.


Congrats those are amazing numbers. :trophy:

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My older son is class of 2022 at WPI and he got about double what my younger son got for merit/scholarship for EA 2025. My younger son was not able to take the SAT and my older son took it with a perfect Math score (I think total was around 1550?) and he was a National Merit Scholar Finalist. Other than that - they have similar stats.
I’m wondering if the difference in merit has to do with the financial issues colleges are facing because of the pandemic, or maybe it’s something else.
I do know that females get quite a bit more merit - generally speaking.

My son submitted his SAT score (1580) plus has very involved tech-related extracurriculars with leadership, valedictorian, great essay, plus showed lots of demonstrated interest. He got $16,000 merit. We were definitely expecting a bit more.

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Perhaps they worry that more people will have financial changes and/or try to negotiate?

Just fyi, I listened to a webinar this summer with the WPI admissions dean, and he said that test scores are not used in determining scholarship amounts. I guess this is b/c they have been test optional for so long?

In addition to academics and ECs, I would guess some majors get more $$ than others, as well as larger scholarships are offered to help diversify the class (gender, geographically, race/ethnicity, etc.).

EDITED TO ADD: expressed majors, since as someone pointed out, you’re not admitted by majors. To be clear, I don’t know about the extent to which major matters; this is supposition on my part.

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Interesting…thanks for sharing that.

My son (stats above) applied and indicated CS as his major area of academic interest. Since WPI doesn’t admit by major, I’m wondering if unhooked kids who select CS are shooting themselves in the foot merit-wise since CS is so competitive in general…especially for boys.

Oh well :slight_smile:

I didn’t realize they don’t accept into majors. Don’t you declare a major on the application? Maybe this is for another thread, and feel free to PM me, but how does it work then? Are you guaranteed a spot in your major as long as you keep your grades up? My son is going for Aero Eng.

All great questions…none of which I know the answer to :joy:

I read the WPI threads from last year and people kept mentioning that you don’t declare a major until sophomore year and that WPI doesn’t admit by major.

Maybe someone with older kids at WPI can clear that up for us.

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