EA/ED WPI Class of 2025

Has anyone heard when decisions will be released if you were waitlisted during EA?

Congratulations! Both mine are California kids and it’s not easy(for me I should say). I loved the texts I got during the blizzard a few months ago. (I grew up in Worcester) :smile:

Deferred or waitlisted? If deferred, I think it comes out the same time as regular decision results? So I think by 4/1? Best of luck!

Sorry, I meant deferred to RD. Have they said when RD results will be released, other than the general assumption of before 4/1? I haven’t found a RD thread for WPI.

I haven’t seen anything yet. For what it is worth, they usually give a heads up on their twitter and instagram accounts. @WPIAdmissions

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They released RD decision on Friday, the 20th last year, do you think there is a possibility they might release RD this Friday?

For me, it’s between IIT, RIT, WPI, and Virginia Tech.

WPI for me, for now, is not a consideration - way too low Financial aid. $13.5k/year vs $50k+ for IIT and $46k+ for RIT.

Virginia Tech is a great school with a much lower scholarship of $10k, but also much lower initial tuition/room/board compared to all of the above.

In favor of IIT:

  • I got MOST scholarships in IIT
  • GAME CHANGER: IIT automatically renews ALL scholarships (need or merit) automatically not looking at FAFSA (of course minimum GPA) - that means #1 you can predict how much it will cost you each year and #2 you don’t have to be scared if your scholarship suddenly decreases because of FAFSA
  • GAME CHANGER: IIT combined BS / MS degree automatically renews ALL your scholarships for Master degree year 100%.

In Favor of RIT:

  • Best Co-op in the country. Nothing even to discuss. You can work and earn $$ without tuition charge, being considered as a student for a semester or full-year. The stats are top-notch as 95% of employers are considering WPI co-op workers for a full-time job and 65% actually gets offer when graduating from RIT
  • Admitted in the degree I want - Robotics while IIT would be Mechanical (so will specialize with classes and maybe masters)
  • The immersion is a requirement for all majors which you can add two extra classes to, in order to turn it into a minor. This allows students to get a minor with ease.
  • You CAN appeal your financial offer on many variables and even based on your Other school offer - one of my plans. Fast appeal - 5-7 bus days.

NOT in Favor of RIT:

  • I received a total of $5k/year less compared to IIT.
  • Need-based scholarship (RIT Grant) is based on FAFSA and changes annually - so the total cost is not as predictable as with IIT and it’s a big grant, so not sure I want to wonder what will happen to my cost next year if my parents make more.
  • GRADUATE - Accelerated BS/MS - 40% off Scholarship applied to Graduate Study
  • 70/30 ratio male to female (feels like military academy) although school claims it’s more like 60/40 now?

OVERALL: RIT has a Larger campus, great new buildings, more diverse. WPI is smaller (just like the town) + the trimester (WPI) vs semester (RPI) is not to my liking.

Also for ALL your offers, consider that Tuition will increase 3-5% each single year, so that’s extra expenses.

Torn on decision at my house. net price is almost the same at both. Campus differences: RIT is double the population but quadruple + the size. Many more options in course catalog for undergraduate (yoga, snowshoeing, hiking, juggling, etc). We like the co-op program/time off to develop. RIT is further for us. WPI has the less traditional quarters (more similar to HS), gracious grading policy, and the qualifying projects are appealing and unique. WPI is connected to surrounding area and this has appeal if you don’t drive. WPI is connected to Boston by the T line. Both have Amtrak relatively close to get to NYC. We want to do official tour of WPI but the travel restrictions have not relaxed and the timing of a PCR test is tricky to get within the 72 hours. We will not be fully vaccinated by May 1 to cross the border freely so we will need to test again to visit. For RIT, we were able to see the labs where he’ll spend most time, so it’s important to us to get inside WPI to have a comparison. Hands down, WPI wins for robotics and the decision may come down to that.

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We have acceptances, for similar net prices, for RPI, WPI, RIT and Virginia Tech, so will chime in here.

So I personally really liked the RIT campus when we visited. It had some of the things I would want, larger campus, great facilities. More students. D2, however, was saying she felt the campus felt too “industrial” and liked the “character” of the WPI campus buildings and feel (she is on the technical Art side, I am a software engineer, so you can see where we differ in tastes).

But the main concern for her is the major. WPI and RPI both offer Game Design & Simulation type majors, with multiple concentration options (software development, or animation/art, or writing, or business, etc).

Where as RIT has a very different setup. They offer a game design BS, which is very heavy on hardcore programming, or, you can get a BFA in 3D design, or Animation, which is far more Art heavy.

RIT has told us that as a 3D Digital Design BFA major, she can take as many “coding” classes as she likes as electives, and she does feel it’s important to take numerous tech skill courses for career safety and diversity, but she really does not want a BFA, she wants a BS. She wants a more flexible degree that if she chooses to go away from Art specifically can still help her get work. WPI and RPI have that built in as options, but RIT does not, as they really force you either down a BFA (Fine Arts), or a BS path that requires VERY advanced heavy data structure and algorithm programming courses as a requirement, which may be far more than she wants or needs.

It’s also a lot further from us (she doesn’t care about that part, but as parents we do). 2 hours for WPI, 3 hours for RPI, 6-7 hours for RIT

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On our next visit, I’d like to check out the area near Union Station with my son. Looks real easy to then go to Boston or a Red Sox game (thinking post-covid!!) We are trying to find a campus where it’s easy enough to extend into the community. We explored Highland the last time we were there. Has anyone been in this area? it’s about 1 mile south of campus. and this area looks like there is a lot to do. Safe area? Coming on a Saturday. Is it better to try and see on a weekday?

My son is a junior at WPI and lives just south of Highland, on Home Street. The neighborhood is mostly families (next to an elementary school) and college students - his house is a triplex, and all apartments are rented to WPI students. The other two apartments are all girls, and safety does not seem to be an issue. From what we hear, owners love renting to WPI students because they are not big partiers, don’t destroy anything, & actually try to fix whatever gets broken themselves. Highland has lots of restaurants, bake/coffee shops, and there is a Price Chopper supermarket and Walgreen’s at the end. They all seem to be quite happy and have extended their lease for another year.


Love this!! Our engineers :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Still waiting for RD…R they waiting for April 1 or something?

Admissions tweeted this a few hours ago

“The time is finally here! All Regular Decision applicants will be receiving their admissions decision on Monday, March 29th at 5:00 PM EST in their applicant portal. We hope you’re as excited as we are!”


We have received the news of Becker College decision to close. It would seem to be advantageous to WPI to acquire the buildings/property of Becker College. Does anyone know if this is being discussed? I’m interested as my S21 thinks the school is a bit small and this could certainly increase their size/capacity and temporarily spread kids out during the next year of the pandemic.

Decisions are out

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Son was accepted.

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Just got waitlisted - it does suck that the waitlist program at most schools is a bit “ride or die” in that if you don’t commit anywhere else and they don’t let you in, you’re in hot water. Makes sense, though.

Saw a few comments above about Virginia Tech and it’s a school I’m seriously considering, though the scholarship offer is a bit low. What are y’all’s thoughts on VT?

My daughter was accepted with a 32k a year scholarship. She likely not to accept, she not 100% decided on STEM and wants an option if she decides that is not the path for her.