<p>When <em>exactly</em> is the app due? By November 1st, do they mean that the app has to be submitted by October 31st 11:59 PM or do they mean November 1st 11:59 PM?</p>
<p>Also.. I have no IDEA what my "Georgetown ID Number" is... the thing that they ask you for at the top of part II of the application... how do I find out? How did we get these numbers again?</p>
<p>IB takes up all your time! I wrote my EE last year, so I can’t imagine what I’d do if I had my Sr. year course load and the EE. That must suck. What’s the question that you’re investigating? I’m always interested in how other IB schools format their program.</p>
<p>To what extent was the Soviet War in Afghanistan the cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union? I turned it in just last week :). Writing it wasn’t as bad as i thought it would be, the editing killed me though. What was your question?</p>