EA results

<p>D got her acceptance letter today!</p>

<p>Congrats!! Where do you live? I probably won’t get my decision for a few days. :(</p>

<p>goot mine tooo…sooooo happyyy:D</p>

<p>Congratulations. You must be soooo excited. I hope my son gets the same good news in the next few days.</p>

<p>wow congrats! I haven’t gotten mine yet and I live in MD. but I got my acceptance from Georgetown xD</p>

<p>Congratulations to all! If you could, post your stats so we know what the acceptance pool looks like!</p>

Class Rank:
Type of High School:
Prospective Major:
Other Schools Applied to:</p>


<p>Is the acceptance letter girthy?</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0
Class Rank: top 10%
SAT: 1330 (M and CR) 1980 in total
Type of High School: competitive? IB
Location: international…
Prospective Major: business
Other Schools Applied to: none yet…</p>

<p>So is it just international kids so far? Anyone know when New Englanders find out?
zxcvbn, are you going to apply to other schools, or are you set on ND?</p>

<p>Not just internationals. We live in Indiana so the letter arrive the day after it was sent.
GPA: 4.1 (UW)
Class rank: #1
ACT: 34 (one sitting)
Type of High School: private, competitive
Location: Indiana
Others schools: TBA</p>

<p>Is it possible to have > 4.0 unweighted?</p>

<p>Python167 - My D has a GPA of 4.2 UW - her school gives out A+ (4.33). They will start next year with a weighted system and do away with the A+. WE are hoping the letter arrives today (Minnesota). D is at a gymnastics competiton all day. Hopefully good news awaits her when she gets home.</p>


<p>CT shoreline- no letter on 12/13</p>

<p>@zxcvbn how did u translate ib grades into american? (im also a foreigner attending ib)
all the best at Notre Dame:)</p>

<p>6 or 7 at ib = A (4.0)
5= B (3.0)
that’s how my school translates it</p>

<p>Just got in!!! :D</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.8 W
Class Rank: 1/181
ACT: 35
Type of High School: Catholic
Location: Nebraska
Prospective Major: Physics
Other Schools Applied to: So far, Creighton, Iowa State, UMinn. Planning on applying to Rice, Purdue, maybe Harvard just for kicks.</p>

<p>^Actually, I think you have a good shot at Harvard, being from Nebraska, and having such awesome ACTs and class rank. Honestly, though, I’d recommend ND if you get into both. Both have amazing national reps, but ND alumni are much more connected- I know some people who went to Harvard, and they all say everyone is out for themselves and there is little unity. I’m also applying to Rice, by the way.</p>

<p>update- New England is letterless still.</p>