Would I be able to change my application from EA to EDII? I’m waiting on my ED decision to northeastern this week, but if for some reason I’m denied/deferred, I may want to switch my application to the U to EDII. Would this be possible?

I’m pretty sure if you already EA to miami You can’t ED2 there. For example, if you were to get denied as an EA applicant, you can’t re apply as an ED2 because your given another chance. Hopefully you can get into northeastern and if you don’t get into Miami Early action!!

Thanks, fingers crossed!

Contact your admissions counselor and ask! EA decisions don’t come out until January. We asked a similar question at another selective university - could my child change application from RD to EDII, and the answer was yes.

I might want to do the same with my application, (EA to EDII) but I wouldn’t hear back until mid-feb and that seems way too long of a wait!
Let me know if you change yours

wondering why you would want to change EA to ED II- guess I don’t understand what difference it makes.

Got into my EDI school, but theoretically the plan was to EDII here just to bump up my chances a bit higher

Congrats, @maby56 !

Congratulations @maby56 ! So I’m reading into what you said as you feel applying EDII bumps up chances of acceptance over applying EA?

@Mom2NND Applying Early Action (EA) is non-binding whereas applying Early Decision (ED) IS binding. It’s not to be done without a lot of consideration. Applying ED means the university is absolutely your top choice. You are entering a contractual agreement with the university that says you will withdraw all other applications and will absolutely enroll at the ED school. The only “out” is if the financial aid doesn’t come through. Universities definitely like ED applications and many top universities are filling big chunks of their freshman class with ED applicants.

I think an admissions rep said it best when she stated that applying ED somewhere is like saying “Will you marry me?” and applying RD/EA is playing the field to see which you like best!

@sdteak - thanks for the follow up- I did know the difference between ED and EA, just didn’t understand why one would want to change application status from EA (which will give a decision in late Jan) to ED II which won’t give a decision until Feb and requires a binding commitment. It seems that the poster feels that changing from EA to EDII will improve chances of admission.

Absolutely does, shows commitment and interest to the school. Tends to significantly bump up one’s chances.