Early Action Applicant Here with Questions About Application

<p>Hi everyone! I'm a senior from New York and I will be applying early action to georgetown. Anyway, I have a few questions. I rushed my SAT scores to GU yesterday (10/10), as it said it would possibly take up to 5 weeks to deliver them regular. After I did this I read that all schools don't necessarily accept rush scores. Anyway I can't find anywhere on GU's website if they accept them. Will my SAT scores make it on time/at all?.....Additionally, I was wondering if I should send an official copy of my AP Scores, as they are a boost to my application (three 5s), or will just sending a copy of my score report suffice. If so, would I need to rush these also?....Furthermore, I will be taking a Subject Test this saturday, and I was wondering if these scores will make it on time to Georgetown if I ask them to be sent there on test day, or will these have to be rushed also. Also, is the deadline postmarked by November 1st or at GU on November 1st? All answers and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Georgetown doesn't accept this Saturday's SAT for early. They only accept SAT's taken during freshman, sophmore, and junior year. That being said if you are deferred they will see this weeks SAT, which could be either good or bad. As long as you send out your app buy November 1st its ok. I'm not sure about the AP question, all I know is colleges will not see your AP score just the courses.</p>

<p>So hold up Gtown won't get my SAT IIs from this Saturday? *** man? If I get defferred and take SAT IIs in December will they get those for RD? I was told the last SATs I could take would be in December. Oh and the last SAT 1 (June 06) I took I sent the scores to Gtown. Will they have these or do I have to send them again since they didn't have any part of my file or know who I was yet?</p>

<p>Georgetown will DEFINITELY get your scores from the October test date...they do count them. It wasn't necessary to rush your scores (they actually tell you not to) but it shouldn't be a problem. Just as long as you indicated somewhere that you would be taking the October test, they'll know to be looking for your scores from that date</p>

<p>I read this on their website as I found it on a small part of it under the FAQ's. It said that it wasn't necessary to rush scores and that you shouldn't if you're taking a test for October. It actually said that they WOULDN'T accept SAT I's from October but from only before senior year. If you're applying early but haven't finished/retaking SAT II's even after the EA deadline, it's okay. All the stuff can be found here: </p>

<p><a href="http://www.georgetown.edu/undergrad/admissions/firstyearEA.html#%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.georgetown.edu/undergrad/admissions/firstyearEA.html#&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It's on the right bar under FAQ's.</p>

<p>So what if you sent SAT I one scores earlier, but they didn't have a file on you? Do they save those or toss them out? As I said, I put Gtown as one of my four free schools to send my scores to on my last SAT I, so will they already have these? Also, that wast the 2nd time I took the SAT I, and I did significantly better on the math section the 1st time, so will they get both scores?</p>

<p>I do believe you're right. I took the SAT I in June, sent them my scores and am planning to take the SAT I again this weekend and am sending them my new SAT I scores even though there's no guarantee that they'll receive it in time (and rushing scores, according to their website, won't get scores any faster)</p>