Early Action applicant in need of MAJOR help

<p>ok, I'm applying early and the deadline is Tuesday. I still haven't finished my last short essay, and it really sucks that they dont let u see the next application form unless u submit the form b4 it. When I finish that essay tonight, what's going to be on next form? I suppose itll be the transcript or recommendation thing but how does that work for online?</p>

<p>HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thx in advance</p>

<p>The transcript and rec forms are the "Downloadable forms" - you can access those anytime. Download those NOW and get them to your school and teachers tomorrow so they can send your stuff out by the deadline.</p>

<p>Um..itÂ’s going to take more than a day for the counselors to fill out those forms</p>

<p>Get those forms out ASAP!!!!! See if your teachers and counselors can fill them out and send them in a few days. I think Stanford waits for those forms to arrive a week after the deadline. If you're not sure, you shouldn't rush your app, go regular.</p>

<p>well, the problem is that I submitted a fine arts CD already saying that I'm applying early... so i guess i'll rush em..</p>

<p>You can change EA to RD. You don't want the teachers writing your recs to be mad at you (and they will be if you give them the forms one day before the deadline... you should give your recommenders two weeks minimum).</p>