Early Action Class of 2023 - VT

Any updates on when EA in the United States is coming out?

Looks like they may be adhering to the February 22nd date. Only 3 more days!

Maybe…last year some decisions were released on the 20th although it was RD then. We can only hope for the 20th.

Does anyone know how they notify? Via email/portal or mail?

@rightyb They will update your portal.

Is the portal the guest access account?

@ajm2019 I believe so, we just set it up, I can see the application info so I think that’s the place!

My son is international / domestic (lives overseas but US citizen) and did not hear back yet. Good luck to everyone!!!

My sons Portal did not change anything except the SRAR and the Honors information at the bottom. Anybody’s Portal did change?

Nothing will change in the portal until decisions are given, probably after 5pm on Feb 22. At that time they will add a line in the “Application Data” section probably called “Status” or something similar.

Does everyone have honors information at the bottom of their portal? The only thing I see at the bottom is the SRAR info.

“Does everyone have honors information at the bottom of their portal? The only thing I see at the bottom is the SRAR info.”

My son’s portal does not have honors information at the bottom of his portal. I wonder if that means he won’t be offered admission?

@STEM2017 thank you. Was worried that nothing changed except the SRAR date that too only once.

My daughter does not have it either. Not sure what, if anything, it means.

Ours has it - always had never has changed.

I honestly don’t think it indicates anything. My son is borderline for acceptance and he has this message. It it very unlikely that he will be considered for Honors.

Also everyone should be aware that campus was closed this morning (delayed open) due to the weather, so any chance of hearing earlier than Feb 22 was probably decreased, but we can always hope.

I believe by honors Info all they mean is what I copied below. I would think everyone has this

If you are invited to participate in the Honors College, the word “invited” will be reflected in the box above.
Please note: Early Decision notifications for the Honors College will be posted by December 15, 2018. Early Action and Regular Decision notifications will be posted by March 15, 2019.

I wonder why they have March 15 for early action instead of Fed 22

I believe that is just for the Honors College. Application decisions should still be made by Feb 22nd.

When my son was Deferred, his notice said that he’d go into the Early Action pile and notified on or BEFORE Feb 22nd. He has way more patience than I do.