Early Action Decision Time

<p>So tomorrow, apparently EA Application decisions are supposed to start coming out (I'm assuming they will if it says "decision made" as the application status). What time do you think decisions are going to come out? I wish everyone good luck! :)</p>

<p>I went on the site where you can pay your deposit and it said I was eligible to pay my deposit for Fall 2015. I guess that means I’m in </p>

<p>I went on the site where you can pay your deposit and it said I was eligible to pay my deposit for Fall 2015. I guess that means I’m in </p>

<p>They snail mail the decision; I didn’t get an email or status-checker update about my decision but got a package in the mail from them.</p>

<p>@pianissimo1 - Wait. You got an acceptance in snail mail and it still said “application under review” on your status checker?</p>

<p>@lulu2015‌ Sorry for the late reply. No, I saw “Decision Made” on the status checker and received the acceptance package the next day :). When I said no status-checker update, I meant that it hadn’t said “Admitted,” “Deferred,” or “Denied;” it had been updated to “Decision Made.”</p>