Early Action Deferral

My portal has also not changed. This is my number one school and this wait is driving me crazy.

Have you called them @tulip27

I would try to reach the admission counselor for your area. We received a letter already but I was told it could be the end of this week before we heard anything. So they could be sending things out on different days? Good luck - I know the waiting is so hard.

I have not called, but I think I’m going to. I emailed the counselor in my area about three weeks ago and he said I would already know by now, so I’m not sure really when I’ll know. I’m guessing before April 1.

@tulip27 Have you heard anything yet? My son has been waiting and we have called the Admissions Office a few times over the past week. This Monday, we were told that the letter should go out that day (Monday) or the following day. When I called this afternoon, they stated that the letter has gone out but of course, wouldn’t give me any further information. Nothing has changed on his portal - still shows “under review”. Curious to see if anything has changed for you?

Hey all! Just wondering (for those who have been accepted so far)…Did your portal reflect your acceptance/denial BEFORE you received the letter in the mail? Have been in contact with the admissions office a few times over the past week and was told on Monday that his letter would be sent that day or the following. Called the office this afternoon and the lady stated that his letter had been sent. Unfortunately, the status on the portal has not changed. Anxious parent (and kid) over here!

My portal did not update till the day after I received my letter in the mail… good luck!!