<p>Okay, here we go:</p>
<p>UPenn offers the Huntsman Program, which allows students to pursue a double major at Wharton and the College, which would be AWESOME. I really want to do International Business and Spanish, and this would be ideal. I love Philadelphia, the climate, UPenn's diversity, the opportunities available, and it's prime location in the mid-atlantic.</p>
<p>Notre Dame's undergraduate business school (Mendoza) ranks #3 behind Wharton and UVA. The campus has an undeniably "home-feeling" to it with a sense of school spirit that can't be beaten. Students are able to balance well a demanding academic courseload as well as engage in numerous extracurricular activities, and know how to have fun :) Notre Dame truly posesses a remarkable coin of world-class academics as well as a human side to it.</p>
<p>I have to apply Early Decision to Penn because my brother currently attends there an it is only under the ED plan that a sibling-applicant can receive any "preferential" consideration. At ND, I am coming from a Jesuit school in California, and already I can see that many qualified classmates will be applying. I think my stats are strong enough, and my enthusiasm is solid, too, to give me a fair shot? I certainly don't have much confidence in Regular-Action. </p>
<p>With that said and done, here are my stats:</p>
<p>SAT I: M-730, CR-710, W-700
SAT IIs: Spanish-790, MATH IIC: 710</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0
RANK: 17/250</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars/Leadership:</p>
<p>-Varsity Rowing Captain-TX State Champions '06
-Editor-in-Chief of school newspaper
-Best Buddies International Chapter President
-School Ambassadors</p>
<p>Summer Experience
-Summer '06 Intern at San Jose Mercury, published 3 articles a week
-Intern at law office in Summer '06</p>
-School Science scholarship
-MVP for Crew Team
-Eagle Scout
-Most Dedicated to School Newspaper</p>
<p>There's more, but this is just a sampling.</p>