Early Action it is. Jump own board!

<p>Decided today that I'm going Early Action to the UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME!!! I'm going up to visit for the Stanford game on October 7th. SOOOO excited. </p>

<p>So after reading the website, I came across this rather daunting message:</p>

<p>"Because the Admissions Committee is unable to extend all of its offers of admission in the Early Action process, it is highly conservative when making Early Action admission decisions. The Admissions Committee advises students to apply in the Early Action process only if they are in the very top ranges of our applicant pool."</p>

<p>My school doesn't rank!</p>

<p>Also am doing Early Decision to UPenn and EA to Boston College.</p>

<p>Good luck fellow friends and (hopefully) domers of '11!</p>

<p>You do know that ED to Penn is binding right? Just wanted to make sure. If you give us your stats we can give you an idea of if EA is a good idea, or you can just go with it if that is what you want to do. Good luck!</p>

<p>Oh, ya, I know that ED to Penn is binding. But Penn (realistically) is a big stretch for me, especially as a student of South Asian/Indian subcontinent descent. Additionally, I have a sibling already there at UPenn, and the only way I can get any extra consideration (as a sibling-applicant) is to do ED. I had a friend who applied under similar circumstances and applied ED to Penn (eventually defferred and rejected) but was accepted EA to ND, and is there right now. Who knows?</p>

<p>I'll post my stats later. You seem like a good consultant, so I'll trust your opinion =)</p>

<p>But do you want to go to Penn? Is that your overwhelming first choice?</p>

<p>Okay, here we go:</p>

<p>UPenn offers the Huntsman Program, which allows students to pursue a double major at Wharton and the College, which would be AWESOME. I really want to do International Business and Spanish, and this would be ideal. I love Philadelphia, the climate, UPenn's diversity, the opportunities available, and it's prime location in the mid-atlantic.</p>


<p>Notre Dame's undergraduate business school (Mendoza) ranks #3 behind Wharton and UVA. The campus has an undeniably "home-feeling" to it with a sense of school spirit that can't be beaten. Students are able to balance well a demanding academic courseload as well as engage in numerous extracurricular activities, and know how to have fun :) Notre Dame truly posesses a remarkable coin of world-class academics as well as a human side to it.</p>

<p>I have to apply Early Decision to Penn because my brother currently attends there an it is only under the ED plan that a sibling-applicant can receive any "preferential" consideration. At ND, I am coming from a Jesuit school in California, and already I can see that many qualified classmates will be applying. I think my stats are strong enough, and my enthusiasm is solid, too, to give me a fair shot? I certainly don't have much confidence in Regular-Action. </p>

<p>With that said and done, here are my stats:</p>

<p>SAT I: M-730, CR-710, W-700
SAT IIs: Spanish-790, MATH IIC: 710</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0
RANK: 17/250</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars/Leadership:</p>

<p>-Varsity Rowing Captain-TX State Champions '06
-Editor-in-Chief of school newspaper
-Best Buddies International Chapter President
-School Ambassadors</p>

<p>Summer Experience
-Summer '06 Intern at San Jose Mercury, published 3 articles a week
-Intern at law office in Summer '06</p>

-School Science scholarship
-MVP for Crew Team
-Eagle Scout
-Most Dedicated to School Newspaper</p>

<p>There's more, but this is just a sampling.</p>

<p>rohan have you visited ND? Penn?
My S is a freshmen at ND, and we live one hour from Penn, and know several students there.</p>

<p>Obviously, Penn is your first choice as an ED candidate,and just want to be sure someone who would enjoy Penn atmosphere, VERY URBAN, would be happy in South Bend?</p>

<p>Hope you have visited.</p>

<p>sorry Rohan, just reread the thread and see that you have visit schedule Oct 6th, and assuming that is your first visit.</p>

<p>Need better glasses :)</p>

<p>way to apply to schools for the rank. ND and Penn are so different it isnt funny. you are indian. i met a girl at ND who is indian who said there is very little diversty on campus. if you are not catholic, i also wouldnt have ND as my top choice, unless you are cool with the high amount of catholics on campus and the whole culture (BC is not as catholic). how good are you at crew? if very, it will help, especially if you can be recruited. </p>

<p>I say you get into ND because you are not white and a solid applicant.</p>

<p>also, are you fluent in hindi? if so, i would learn chineese instead of spanish, because chineese + hindi + wharton will get you a very good international job after undergrad.</p>

<p>"way to apply to schools for the rank. ND and Penn are so different it isnt funny."</p>

<p>If you start by critcizing the OP, chances are they won't listen to your advice regardless of if it is good or not. </p>

<p>ND is 24% minority. It may seem like there is little diversity to some, especially those that are used to a great amount of diversity, but that is not bad for a Catholic school in Indiana.</p>

<p>ND is very accepting of other faiths so I wouldn't write it off just because it is Catholic, unless you are just uncomfortable with a school of another faith in which case BC would also be out of the question.</p>

<p>Lastly, one thing I learned is study what you want now and worry about jobs later. There are lots of jobs out there, and you probably won't work in the field you study, so you may as well study something you truly enjoy.</p>

<p>Sorry Venkater, I am not trying to take this out on you, I just disagree with a decent amount of your post.</p>

<p>Venkater, I'm not a mean person, and I don't intend any harm by saying this, but I'm going to be very honest with you. You're statements are appalling, crass, and shortsighted. You automatically "assume" that because my name is Rohan, that I am the stereotypical, non-catholic, all-about diversity, basing-my-college preferences on rankings-type of Indian American that is too ignorant and caught up in himself to discover his real match for college. "Are you good at crew...you can get recruited...you're getting into ND because you're solid and not white?" That's SO nosy!</p>

<p>I am very aware of the differences between the Penn and Notre Dame campuses and that isn't going to influence my decision in ANY way. For starters, I have visited BOTH campuses and find PLENTY of diversity in the Notre Dame community. While the campus is lacking in a lot of ethnic representation, (24% MAY be the statistics, but I'm well aware that it isn't something that really "stands out" in the school atmosphere) ND is working very hard to resolve that issue. There are a plethora of multicultura students working equally hard to make ND a much more hospitable place for minorities. They NEED to be there in the first place to create the legacy for future clases. Also, the school recruits students from all over the nation, and the geographic variety is one of it's trademarks. BC is MUCH MORE homogenous than ND because you'll find that the majority of the student body are northeast catholics. It's an undeniable fact, see for yourself.</p>

<p>Lastly, I don't think that Wharton will be the absolute solution to my quest; I'm merely applying because the program interests me. You must always keep in mind that it's NOT about where you go, but what you make of the opportunities that come your way. Wharton would certainly provide nice "leverage" but plenty of non-Wharton MBA holders have made it big in this world, India, China, South America, whatnot.</p>

<p>A general message for ALL of you: College Confidential is a great place to provide advice to students, and by all means I appreciate every bit of input from you individuals. But do keep in mind that you cannot make always make assumptions about a person's background, intentions, feelings, or experiences about various colleges. You guys are NOT parents, nor college counselors, so stop trying to act like them. </p>

<p>Sorry if that was harsh, but I hope I made myself clear. Thank you.</p>

<p>I think your response was honest and understandable, I wouldn't apologize for it. I hope we all on the whole haven't assumed too much because I know all of us really do try to help people find the best school for them, even if it isn't ND. We are here for different reasons but all of us are here to try to help you make the best decision for you. You can listen to us, you can ignore us, but that is why we are here at least. </p>

<p>I am a senior at ND and when I looked back at my college search I realized that a lot of the things I wanted or looked at were inconsequential. Because of that, I try to help students find what is truly important and discover if they will be happy at a school or not. I personally apologize if I assumed anything about you, I certainly didn't mean it but rather was just trying to make sure that you end up where you will be happy.</p>

<p>I wish you the best of luck on your college search.</p>

<p>rohan, I think people's concern here is the <em>binding</em> ED at Penn. As long as that's your very first choice, great. If not, then I think some of us are wincing a little, afraid in a few months you'll want ND and yet be committed by ED to Penn. I believe you'll get into both.</p>

<p>hmm, so to detract from the controversy at hand, I have a 32 ACT, 1320 SAT( yes, not so good, old scale, 1970, new scale), 4.0 unweighted gpa and a ton of extra currics, varsity tennis, section leader in all bands...lots of church involvement, Eagle of the Cross(if you've ever heard of it)...should I apply ED?</p>

<p>Welcome Smartterturtle, I am glad you came over (I am the guy who messaged you). You may want to start a thread on this but my answer is...it depends. It is definitely possible, but do you know your rank and can you tell me a bit more about your activities and the classes you have taken? I think with that info we can guide you more. Thanks!</p>

<p>smartter turtle......you gotta love that name.....lmao</p>

<p>im applying ED to notre dame....hah im also applying early to a bunch of other non-binding schools.</p>

<p>my friend is a freshman at ND and hated it for the first two weeks but is liking it a lot more now (something tells me it's all that football spirit ; ))</p>

<p>I guarantee you will not be applying ED to ND...we only have EA. Good luck though.</p>

<p>I'm 1 of about 160, super involved, my schedule this year is: Amer. Gov't, AP English, Stage Band, Band, Physics, AP Calc, Independent study French III and World Affairs IV, so that could kind of give you a clue as to what my background is. I'm President of NHS, play varsity tennis, section leader in all bands, went to Girls' State and have received the Eagle of the Cross Award (don't know if ND would like that, but it can't hurt), I have a 32 on the ACT and a 1320 on the SAT...4.0 gpa...need anything else?</p>

<p>ND is def. my 1st choice, I want to go for engineering.
Thanks a ton for directing me here, it's a wealth of info!</p>

<p>RunRinct = pwnd by irish68178</p>

<p>lol, I didn't mean to be as mean as I came off. It just sometimes gets to me that people would think about applying to a school and not even know basic things like it is an EA school. If you don't do your homework, you may end up at a place you don't like, and that just isn't worth it.</p>

<p>Also, I think you will be fine smartterturtle.</p>