Early Action Notification Date

<p>You guys probably won’t find out until around January 20th bing takes a while</p>

<p>In the email they said we will hear a decision by the 15th, so im guessing they this update their status checker soon online.</p>

<p>My friend checked her “Status Checker” online this morning… she was accepted to Harpur. Did this happen to anyone else? Freaking out.</p>

<p>Are you sure she didn’t misread it?</p>

<p>Same thing happened to me. I checked status checker this morning and i thought that it had more information than the last time i looked, i didnt think it said anything about harpur college last time. but no explicit statement of acceptance so im assuming it doesn’t mean anything. did your friend receidve anything that blatantly said she was accepted?</p>

<p>Mine looks about the same. Where on her page did it say she was accepted?</p>

<p>From the status checker page: </p>

<p>UNDERGRADUATE NON-DEGREE applicants will be able to see their application status and decision below.
UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE applicants will be able to see their application of applicant materials required and received.</p>

<p>My Daughter’s status checker is also updated with additional information.There is no decision but this could be an indication of acceptance. Let’s see!
Good luck!</p>

<p>What is the additional information that you see?</p>

<p>@c0113g321 @URparent2017 what different/additional information are you guys talking about? are you guys talking about different information in the giant red box on the Admissions Status status page, or is it new information on the page when you click on your application for fall 2013 (application summary page)</p>

<p>can anyone sign into the undergraduate pay your deposit page?</p>

<p>It was updated with the name of the college I applied to. (Harpur) and a couple other things in the application section. Idt that indicates acceptance though. I think official decisions will be emailed the 15th.
And no I can’t sign in to pay tuition.</p>

<p>Interesting, all my sons info was already there a month ago, including Harper, so no change for us.</p>

<p>@Kat2013 me too, all of that has also already been there for awhile</p>

<p>can anyone sign into the pay my deposit and have the option to pay for fall 2013 as well as spring?</p>

<p>@college20132013 is probably a ■■■■■. Joined today and only has two posts about her friend getting in.</p>

<p>Not a ■■■■■…
My friend is a non-degree seeking applicant. I wasn’t aware there was a difference in the notification. My apologies.</p>

<p>Seriously, though, is anyone able to pay their deposit?</p>

<p>Oops! My bad in that case.</p>

<p>No, just spring. And no updates to the information - same full info (including college name - Harpur - that has been there for a while). Good luck all!</p>

<p>Message above in reply to Hopefully Colgate’s post.</p>

<p>[Binghamton</a> University - Undergraduate Admissions - Freshman Application Step by Step Instructions](<a href=“http://www.binghamton.edu/admissions/apply/freshman/]Binghamton”>First-year Applicants: Get Started Here | Undergraduate Admissions | Binghamton University)</p>

<p>according to their website, early action notifications could be delayed if anyone else hasn’t heard back like myself</p>