Early Action Yale

<p>Thanks to every that reads and comments. I am going to apply EA no matter what, but I wanted to know what kind of a chance I have. I see that my ECs are not as strong as those of many on this board, but I enjoy them and work hard.</p>

<p>Hispanic Male (I was born here, but parents born in Mexico and Guatemala)
GPA Weighted: 4.8333
GPA Unweighted 3.9333
(2 B's: Freshmen 1st semester Spanish III acc.; US Hist Jr 1st sem)
Rank 5/561</p>

<p>ACT: 34 </p>

<p>SAT Subject Tests: Taking in October Biology, Physics, and Math II</p>

<p>AP Spanish: 5
AP English Language: 5
AP Biology: 5
AP US History: 5
Senior APs: US Gov, Physics, Chemistry, English Lit., Calc BC (self studying Enviro if that matters at all)</p>


<p>Chamber Orchestra (9-12): I play viola; We play in many community events (mayoral election, senior centers) throughout the year.</p>

<p>Youth in Action (11-12): School political group/community action group. Co-founder, leader. Through this I've participated in Illinois Youth Summit, Mikva Challenge, Campaigning for Obama, Election Judging, etc.)</p>

<p>Newspaper (11-12): Features Editor. Newspaper is very high quality and won many awards</p>

<p>Lake County Astronomical Society (10-12): I am an amatuer astronomer and love everything related to astronomy. If accepted, I am planning to get B.S. degree program in Astronomy and Physics from Yale. I read a lot of astronomy, theoretical physics books. I am the youngest member of this club; I also am the new member coordinator.</p>

<p>Math Team (11-12)</p>

<p>Hospital Volunteer (12): 100+ hrs</p>

<p>Hispanic Club (not sure if as leader this year)</p>


<p>Healthcare Careers class freshmen year and summer school
Summer school for sophomore
Traveled every summer, and spent the time getting closer to my family and huge extended family (they influenced my life a lot)</p>

Teacher Assistant 4 hrs a week
Payed Tutor 2 hrs a week
My first language was Spanish; for the first six years of my life, I spoke nothing else. Once I began school, I gradually lost my hispanic culture as well as the language. I realized how horrible this was and began acquiring both again in high school, especially with the help of my extended family. I am now very fond of languages (for a variety of reasons that I won't explain here) and their importance. (I am aslo studying German, hoping to get an independent study this year).
I was in many clubs/sports fresh and soph year, but none of them (except orchestra) clicked with my interests in the future.</p>

<p>Bosch and Lomb Honorary Science Award
National Hispanic Scholar (NHRP)
AP scholar with honor award
Student of the quarter</p>

<p>Reccomendations: I am the best student (in terms of interest and grades) my AP Bio teacher has had; other recc is good</p>

<p>Thanks again guys</p>

<p>haha, you are clearly a devoted person.
keep up that devotion when you do your college apps (which I highly doubt you wouldn’t) and everything will go as planned.</p>

<p>Chance threads don’t really mean anything other than people just like you getting impressed and telling you comforting words. Believing in yourself is more important than any one else’s words</p>