<p>I applied early to CMC and I was wondering when the early applicants found out last year? I know that the college says december 15, but for some schools it is earlier</p>
<p>Anybody? Some help plz</p>
<p>Our son applied EDI also, on the website I noticed it says notification "by December 15" so who knows? I would assume it would be pretty close to the middle of the month, as they would be reviewing anyone who had applied for the McKenna scholarship (Dec 1) deadline at the same time. Good luck & hope you (and our son!) get a nice "congratulations from CMC" letter for Christmas! What made you decide to apply early to CMC, esp. with its binding ED approach?</p>
<p>Prior to the day of notification last year, I got a letter from CMC with a username and password for a site on their admissions page. At the determined time, the website opened up and you could use your password to see if you got in. </p>
<p>Another notification arrived in the mail a few days later.</p>
CMC '08</p>
<p>oooooh, just got my ID and password today. I'm stoked.</p>
<p>Has anyone gotten into CMC yet? If you have, I'd love to know some background- sat's? gpa? extracurriculars? Im applying EDII so I wanna see what it's taking to get accepted this year.</p>
<p>Son went on-line tonight, he did not get accepted, he is bummed. Since he REALLY liked the Claremont consortium set-up, he is pondering applying to Pitzer...if he can handle the liberal/greenie/dope atmosphere when he had his heart set on CMC. Good luck to everyone else!</p>
My S is at Pomona but knows a lot of students from Pitzer. They seem to really like their school and he can still take classes at CMC. Best of luck to your son. MY D is applying reg decision at CMC. I know a lot of National Merit kids from our HS did not get in last year. It is her dream school but hopefully she won't get too attached!</p>
<p>would u mind posting ur son's stats?</p>
<p>bummer, rejected, same with two other kids i know</p>
<p>I'm so excited....I just got accepted early!</p>
<p>Congrats Kate! Would all u guys please post some stats?</p>
<p>I just got in early too! Here's my stats:</p>
<p>SAT I:
M 800 V 700</p>
<p>SAT IIs:
IIC 750
Writing 760
Chemistry 700</p>
4.4 or 4.5 weighted, about 3.9 unweighted</p>
<p>I had good recs, lots of leadership, and very active in speech and debate (I've met the Claremont coaches, my debate coach knows them pretty well)</p>
<p>Gluck! See you guys next year!</p>
<p>SAT I:
M 740 V 750</p>
<p>SAT II:
Writing 800
Literature 740
Math IIC 710</p>
World Hisrory 4
U.S. History 5
English Language 4</p>
4.72 weighted, 4.0 unweighted</p>
<p>I have a ton of leadership (they're big on that) and very involved in pretty different extracurrics. I interviewed there and I think that was good. Of course put time into essays...
Good luck to everybody!</p>
<p>Congratulations!!! </p>
<p>Can you elaborate on your activities please?</p>
<p>hey! yea i was accepted ED and i'm one to say that all those silly sat and gpa stats and whatnot don't mean that much. while i dont think they're going to take someone with an 800 combined score on the sat i think that the admissions office does a pretty good job in really looking at the entire applicant and then deciding. i, for one, didn't have a 1600 sat and i still got in. i also don't have a 4.587234 (mostly because my school is hard as poop -- which is, i think, also a little of why i got in and on a trip over there i met someone that had a 2.6 in hs and still got in). </p>
<p>so basically all i have to say is that if you really like the school and you seem pretty well-rounded (extracurris like woah are good cuz i had a buttload) and you look like an interesting person, regardless of you sat score or your gpa, i would still apply because the admissions office is amazing.</p>