Early Decision and Housing Selection

My D was accepted through Early Decision - we are extremely excited about her decision to attend Champlain College. I know it was mentioned and also read in a thread that because she was accepted ED that they received “priority housing selection”. In her packet she received a card concerning housing with a link that says to follow link and fill out form (link works, but there is no form) I cannot find anything else on the web site, so I called the Admissions office, they told me that she doesn’t have to do anything until May and she had never heard of priority housing for student that were accepted through ED, in other words, she is pooled with all other incoming students. Did we misunderstand something? Deposit has also been paid. Thank you!

Hi @CTMom923 , first and foremost, congratulations to your daughter on her acceptance!! It was quite a competitive applicant pool for Early Decision!

We are currently updating to a really cool new software to help students match up with great roommates, so that’s why the form is not currently available. I believe it should be up in running in January. However, priority to housing will be given based on the date a student’s deposit is received, so as she is of that first wave in Early Decision, she will still have that priority housing when it is all assigned.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have follow-up questions! You’re also welcome to email me - I’m nlentine[at]champlain.edu.

Thank you Nichole for the quick reply. That is what I needed to know - I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something …I sincerely thank you for the information! :slight_smile:

@CTMom923 I’m happy to help!!