Early Decision Chances?

<p>So I'm applying for early decision to VT and I'm trying to figure out what my chances are...I honestly don't think I'll get in but it's worth a shot
So my GPA is around a 3.8, which isn't very good but I started out slow freshman and sophomore year and then did really well my junior year, which I'm hoping will help me out. </p>

<p>My SAT's were around 1200 for math and reading which I wasn't satisfied with so I'm taking them again this October and hope to pull them up to around 1300</p>

<p>Outside of school:
Varsity Tennis
Key Club
Future Business Leaders of America (Vice President)
Tennis Job in the summer</p>

<p>I should have 2 recommendations from my 11th grade Spanish teacher and 11th (and current AP) Physics Teacher</p>

<p>This year I am taking 3 AP classes and 3 Dual Enrollment classes, so I hope to come in with a whole slew of credits.</p>

<p>Another thing to be noted is that all 3 of my siblings went/go there and all of them did/are doing extremely well.</p>

<p>if ur in-state and ur major is not engineeirng u’ll get in for sure. u still have a good chance for engineering as well. it will be helpful to have more ec’s</p>

<p>please chance me back: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1003532-what-my-chances.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1003532-what-my-chances.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yeah… VT doesn’t care much at all about ECs. SAT, GPA and status (instate, out of state, URM, legacy, etc) are so far above ECs that, honestly, people may as well not list them in chances threads.</p>

<p>Thanks…and I’m definitely not doing engineering…applying to business school/university studies.</p>

<p>Chuy…does that mean you think I’ll get in? I think the legacy of 3 siblings and grandfather should help quite a bit</p>