Early Decision: Do You Get More Or Less Financial Aid Offered???

<p>I've been wondering about this since I came across this one site talking about financial aid for "early decision" students. It was saying that since u are early decision, the school would assume u don't need that much financial aid because you "decided early" to enroll no matter what FINANCIAL BURDEN you may have which is part of every "early decision agreement." </p>

<p>For regular candidates, it said the school needs to offer MORE money to PERSUADE the students to enroll into their school.</p>

<p>But some sites say if you do early decision, you have a better chance of getting a better financial aid package.</p>

<p>So I am left confused: if u are "early decision" do u getter a better or worse financial aid package than "regular decision"?????</p>

<p>I have no direct knowledge but I would guess that it depends a lot on the school.</p>

<p>i was early decision, and i actually got a very very nice financial aid package. from that, i personally wouldn't think ED kids get the shaft, but then again, there could be others with different stories.</p>

<p>I applied regular, and my package is not really good compared to my EA school. But then, first of all, it's not ED, and plus it's not as prestigous (bear with my spelling here. :D) as NU, so it's probably not the best comparison i nthe world. I think we probably need ED and RD students with similar financial situation to really come to a valid conclusion.</p>