<p>Hoping to stem the tide of the number of threads that will be posted in the next few weeks about the release of Early Decision notifications ... PLEASE READ THIS BLOG ENTRY</p>
<p>I am such a Hopkins Insider stalker, and I feel a little guilty about it. Thanks for the update! It makes the waiting a little less nauseating…</p>
<p>I am still getting a ton of questions about how we will release ED notifications. Please read this!!!</p>
<p>Yea I saw this when I googled for information, but I didnt realize it was for 2008 too. Thanks for clearing that up/bump.</p>
<p>Just want to clarify one major issue about the release of decisions tomorrow. As I have said, emails will BEGIN being sent at 6:00pm ET. That does not mean everyone will get an email excactly at 6:00pm. It can take upwards of one hour for all of our emails to be sent. </p>
<p>6:00pm ET would be 5:00pm here in Texas…
so… its gonna be updated when i come back from school</p>
<p>aaaahhh noo! ive been like counting down the hours, relying on the fact that it will be exactly 6 hahaha</p>
<p>please don’t send the emails by alphabetical order… I’d die of anticipation</p>