Early Decision Notifications and Stats

<p>With ED decisions being posted online in just one hour, I thought I would start a new Thread for everyone to post their outcome today.</p>

<p>If you feel comfortable also post your stats</p>

<li> In or Out of State</li>
<li> Major</li>
<li> GPA</li>
<li> SAT</li>
<li> ACT Comp</li>


<p>Ok here’s mine:</p>

<li>In state</li>
<li>General engineering</li>
<li>3.76 Weighted (+1 quality point for AP & IB)</li>
<li>1350 Math + CR</li>
<li>No ACT</li>


<p>(Yes, I know my username is a little hopeful…)</p>

<p>Made it into the College of Engineering!
Stats: ACT math 33
ACT english 27
3.76 GPA (UW)
4.2 GPA (W)
Excited to be a Hokie!</p>


<li>In State</li>
<li>General Enginnering</li>
750 Math 2, 800 Bio</li>
<li>No ACT</li>

<p>I have no clue why I was deferred.</p>

<p>I’M IN! WHOOOOOOOOO! If you’re in it will tell you your college, major, and degree.</p>

<p>Forgot to mention that I submitted 2 recommendations and 3 well written personal statements along with Boy Scouts and a few other extracurriculars.</p>

<p>@Pixelboy </p>

<p>…That’s ridiculous…</p>

<p>I’m so confused, where did I go wrong?</p>

<p>Oh my gosh! I am so excited to be a Hokie! I will be the second one in my family to attend and I cannot wait! It is the best school in the world for me! :slight_smile: Go Hokies!</p>

<p>Early Decision into the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences</p>

<li>In state</li>
<li>Major: History </li>
<li>4.5 GPA, class rank 6/334</li>
<li>1180 M/CR</li>

<p>I wish the best for everyone who is finding out now and also for all of those who are applying for regular decision. Happy holidays, too! :)</p>



<p>None of us like to see VT hopefuls disappointed on decision day and while given the 5 stats he just stated he seems like a solid candidate we don’t have the full story and it does no good to speculate and feed into the “that’s insane” mindset. I could certainly give you a couple of possibilities but I won’t do it on this thread and certainly not tonight.</p>


If you worked hard and did your best then this isn’t a matter of anything you did wrong. I don’t know statistics, but I personally know kids that have been accepted after being deferred. Don’t beat yourself up.</p>


<li> OOS</li>
<li> Wildlife Science</li>
<li> 3.8 GPA</li>
<li> No SAT</li>
<li> ACT 29 Comp</li>

<p>So Excited!!</p>

<p>Son was Deferred </p>

<p>In State
3.9 GPA
630 math SAT 630 CR SAT
Plenty of Honors and AP courses.</p>

<p>I’m thinking he will get accepted regular decision for University Studies (and will transfer into engineering if that is still what he wants at that point)</p>

<p>Tech does not look at extracurricular’s or essays or teacher rec. (well they physically look, but those do not add into the decision.) VA Tech is strictly numbers driven unless some extraordinary circumstances arise. So for those of you who who think that was what got you over the edge to get in, or those who think that is what kept your from getting ED - you are most likely 99.9% wrong. It is numbers and region driven (and if you are a female applicant for Engineering).</p>

<p>Ben and others,</p>

<p>Please make sure you click all the way thru on the Fall 2013 link, because on your initial page once you are logged in it will say what college and major you are in as an 2013 undergraduate, but you have to go a page further and see the status of your application.
This fooled me for a few minutes as it looks like they are telling you that you were accepted for what they are just now showing as “processed” and “requested” for 2013. A page further and it reads ‘Deferred’ (in our case).</p>

<p>Virginia Tech does use an holistic review. They look at rigor, GPA and SAT’s primarily but do also look at leadership, personal statement,etc. Son was deferred in 09’ to engineering but eventually accepted into University Studies and will be graduating in May in engineering. Son had >700 math SAT but was still deferred. But there is hope! Hang in there.</p>

<p>Congratulations to those accepted and Good luck to those deferred! I know it is very disappointing to be deferred when you have applied Early Decision .</p>

<p>I got in!</p>

<p>Out of State
Industrial Design
3.75 GPA
1170 M+R
27 ACT Math, 25 Reading</p>

<p>Can’t believe it!</p>

<p>Oh no! Sorry, I was deferred! Now I’m in the same boat as Pixelboy. Sorry for anyone I mislead. I didn’t click through to the semester.</p>

<p>Wow, Sorry to hear that, Ben. Sounds like IT needs to revise things if the results are confusing. Engineering is a tough admit . Good luck in the spring! Hope the news is good then.</p>

<p>I messaged the admission committee as to why I was deferred and if there was anything I could possibly do to increase my chances.
If they have the time to respond to my request, I’ll post their reply here.</p>

<p>Good luck, Pixelboy. Be sure to look on the admissions website or any communication you get from them to see what they’re currently advising about contact with them. If you have any major accomplishments betwen now and RD , you may be able to update them but follow their instructions about how to do so. Hope you and Ben and gigagirl’s son have good news in the spring!</p>

<p>DS Accepted</p>

<li>In state</li>
<li>College of Engineering</li>
<li>4.21Weighted </li>
<li>SAT 750 M, 630 R</li>
<li>No ACT</li>

<li>In State (northern)</li>
<li>General Engineering</li>
<li>670m 560cr</li>
<li>Didn’t Take ACT</li>
