<p>I am SOOOOOO nervous. I am just in love with GW. Here are my stats. best of luck to all. We have less than 2 months to get a decision!</p>
<p>The stress is killing me! Am I the only one here?</p>
<p>I'm 1/4 Chinese. Do you think that AA will hurt me?</p>
<p>This wait is killing me too. I hope we aren't the only ones on here applying ED.</p>
<p>Actually I'm not applying early but I have a question.</p>
<p>I saw in another post that the school of journalism has a much lower acceptance rate than GWU in general. Is it possible to get accepted to a different school so we can transfer later, because I didn't see anything about that on the online app. THanks.</p>
<p>Hey I'm asian too Hoo!</p>
<p>I heard the Columbian school of arts and sciences is the easiest, so maybe you should go for that and then transfer. I'm pretty sure that internal transfering is pretty easy, but I would just go for what you really want. Why go to college uncertain that you will get the major you really want? Do you really want to be forced to transfer if it doesn't work out? That's just my take.</p>
<p>O, and Hoo, what did you mark on the Race box? You sound pretty multiracial.</p>
<p>I noted that I was multiracial and specified that I was also part hispanic. Yeah, I'm kinda a mut.</p>
<p>Well I am definitely applying to the journalism school but I know some collegse like Syracuse, you can check a box and they'll consider you for admission to an easier to get into program if you're not admitted to your first choice (Newhouse), so I guess you can simultaneously apply to 2 schools or let them pick for you or admit you as undecided/general or something. I was just wondering if GWU does that.</p>
<p>That's something you should ask the admissions office about.</p>
<p>Not too much longer until I find out!</p>
<p>bump it up for tomorrow</p>
<p>bump again</p>
<p>Hi. I know it is a white-knuckle ride. But remember, it is an all-or-nothing arrangement created by colleges simply for their own convenience, to spread out their workload and guarantee a predictable yield. Because it happens in isolation, without the bolstering of responses from other colleges, it creates an all-or-nothing feeling that puts you on edge. It’s right before the holidays, which makes it worse (the toy vs. lump of coal scenario).</p>
<p>But in fact, there are over 2400 accredited 4-year colleges in the US and many of them would love to have you in their student community! There are many institutions where you could thrive and find a wonderful future. </p>
<p>If this particular college decides, for whatever reason, to not admit you, you can learn from the experience, and there is time to recalibrate before January (and February) deadlines. </p>
<p>This is NOT the end of the world. This is feedback—from ONE admissions committee. It says you were not accepted by one school. That’s all. It’s not about your self-worth. It’s about that one school’s needs, and the fact that they didn’t see the match. That’s it.</p>
<p>Best of luck. Whether your future is at that school or not, you do have a great future somewhere. You will find that future. You will.</p>
<p>original thread is from…wait for it…2004!!! haha</p>