Early Decision

<p>Okay so I applied for Early Decision early last month and I have a few questions. So the website says that you'll find out by December 15 and I know that has been the date for the past few years but this year it land on a Sunday. So will I find out before that day or after? And will it be by mail? If so, will an acceptance be a larger envelope or does it not matter? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! I'm so nervous/excited!</p>

<p>I had the same concern. I called them and asked and they said that it’ll probably be a couple of days after Sunday, which is so annoying haha. My guess is Tuesday</p>

<p>Ughh I just want to know already! Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully it’s a yes for both of us!</p>

<p>DD is a sophomore at Geneseo and one of her friend’s brother received his letter on Thursday or Friday. What gives? Don’t they send them out all at once?</p>

<p>I got my acceptance letter on Saturday! It came in a Maroon/Red Folder so it was a relatively large package. I am so excited! Good luck to you guys!</p>

<p>Would you mind posting your stats?</p>

<p>I recieved my acceptance Saturday as well. I had a 31 act, 700 bio sat2, and 91 overall with ap stats completed and ap bio and calc in the process. I also volunteer and play a varsity sport which I will be continueing in college</p>
