Early Decisions Chances

Just wondering everyone's opinion:</p>

<p>I'm Female, Caucasian and from the East Coast.
GPA: 3.92
Top 5% of my class</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
IB Spanish 4
IB PrecCalc (score- 7)
AP Govt. (score- 5)
Honors and Pre-IB everything else</p>

<p>Junior Year:
IB History
IB English
IB Physics (score- 3)
AP Calc (score- 4)
AP Psych (score- 5)
IB Spanish 5</p>

<p>Senior Year:
IB History
IB English
IB Spanish 6
AP Stat
Comparative Religions</p>

Outstanding Physics Student Award (school award) (I had an awful testing day I know my score is bad)
Foreign Language Award (county award)</p>

<p>Test Scores:
SAT I: Math-700, Reading-680, Writing-680
SAT II's: Math II-740, Spanish- 710</p>

Cross Country Team: 4 years (Junior year- Most Valuable Player... but I'm not fast enough for college, Senior Year- Captain)
Students For Social Justice: 4 years (President Junior and Senior Year... I've worked a lot of our accomplishments into my essays... ex. book drives, petitions, etc...)
Spanish Honors Society- 2 years (senior year- president)
National Honors Society- 1 year (secretary)</p>

I have two parents who attended Penn
I did a summer abroad program in Spain and I want to do some sort of international work when I grow up (not sure exactly) and I've also worked this interest into my essays.</p>

<p>So what do you think? Do I have enough activities? Will my SAT's kill me (I've already retaken them)? Thanks.</p>

<p>You are applying to which school? Wharton? CAS?</p>

<p>I am applying to CAS.</p>