<p>Don't ask me why, but I have one of the admissions staff that admitted me on facebook, and just now, her/his status changed to "officially done" when it was "reading apps" before, so just to let you guys know that your fate has been decided already. Good Luck!</p>
(10 letters)</p>
<p>Anyone else just experienced an accelerated heart rate from this info =O</p>
<p>i din get it. mind elaborate more??</p>
<p>Wait, OP, did you get admitted last year?</p>
<p>yes, but not ed.</p>
<p>kartrider360, i have no idea what the facebook thingy is. could you elaborate more?</p>
<p>facebook is something like myspace or xanga. Just a place where you add friends and message them. kartrider360 has one of his/her friends as a Cornell application reviewer. He just said that they were done reviewing applications and that the results were being finalized and posted. That’s all.</p>
<p>kartrider, could you possibly confirm when Cornell is going to notify us about checking the ED results? Would that be a stretch?</p>
<p>The results should be online on December 11, 2008 at 5 P.M. This is what we’ve agreed on correct? o_O We’ve had Edza confirm this already =)</p>
<p>I think JaySong meant when we would get the email telling us how to check our decisions.</p>
<p>Ah I see. I don’t know =*(</p>
<p>should be around tomorrow</p>
<p>I’d love to get a hold of you and whine about what a failure I am until then, kartrider360. -_-;</p>
<p>Does anyone know if CU admin checks our facebook profiles?</p>
<p>agh, today I put up an embarrassing picture as a joke. Imagine if they had decided to look TODAY?</p>
<p>I really hope not; if they look a bit deep into my profile they may find pictures that would probably result in instant rejection.</p>
<p>isn’t that the point of having it set on private?</p>
<p>Well, I still do have my pleading romantic letter thing in my Notes application thing on Facebook that I wrote couple months ago…but I don’t think they’d actually look through and check my account just to find out how I am coping with loneliness…Besides, about 15% of the colleges check your accounts and as far as I know most are midwestern colleges.</p>