I have recently been informed that the EE program has lowered it’s standards for continuing as an EE student. Published and communicated requirements are maintaining a 3.25 GPA in required pharm courses and no C- in any of those courses and now they are saying if you have a 3.0 you can be on probation for an entire year to bring it up to a 3.25?
Seems like a slap in the face to those students that met the published requirements to change them at the end of a semester because some didn’t make the cut off - other students in the past were required to make the criteria so why are we lowering standards? I am shocked the school would allow a program that is one of the best in the country to lower it’s requirements - you set a bar for a reason and the reason should be upheld and enforced or you lose credibility.
Just wondering if anyone knows what is driving this change???