Early Notifications?

<p>Does UM ever release decisions for EA early? how early have they notified in the past?</p>

<p>My (complete) application has been sent to the committee for review (says so when i log in to cane website) for about maybe 1.5 weeks now... If the are looking at it early, would they possibly let me know early?</p>

<p>The only “early” notification they will give you is on myUM around the 28th of January. Even that just says if you’re accepted, doesn’t say anything about scholarships. But hopefully the next couple months will go by just as quickly as the past month has :)</p>

<p>okay, thanks!!! my state school has a december 1 deadline but is already releasing decisions! my app has been complete since november 1 and people who completed apps after me have gotten decisions :(</p>

<p>so nervous!</p>

<p>Out of curiosity (and, I confess, impatience), does anybody know why UMiami takes so long to process all the EA apps? I submitted my application for Georgia Tech by their November 1st deadline as well and they send out results by December 16th. Submitted my IU app by their November 1st deadline and I already have my acceptance letter!</p>

<p>It can’t just be the sheer volume of apps, can it?</p>