Easiest and hardest AP Class

<p>What is your easiest and hardest AP class so far? Why?</p>

<p>Hardest: AP Physics C
Easiest: AP Calculus AB</p>

<p>Depends on the person. What is easy to someone may be difficult to another, it just depends. Their is no such thing as the “hardest AP” or the “Easiest AP”, the question you are asking is to subjective.</p>

<p>Well, I was just asking for your opinion. :)</p>

<p>I’m not in any AP classes anyways.</p>

<p>easy - ap human geography</p>

<p>hard - ap calc</p>

<p>Easiest class: English Lit (it’s a lot of work though)
Hardest: Physics C</p>

<p>Easiest: AP English Language, APUSH, AP Calc AB (is it alright for me to have all three of them tied?)
Hardest: AP ECON. It’s my ‘headache class’.</p>

<p>Easiest: Microecon AP( too easy, level of a regular cp class)
Hardest: euro ap</p>

<p>Easiest be ap world history cuz my teacher aint do nuthin.
Hardest be ap chemustry cuz my teacher aint teach right.</p>

<p>Easiest: AP Calc AB, AP German
Hardest: AP USH, AP Econ</p>

<p>Easiest: Calc AB
Hardest: Physics C</p>

<p>Hardest: Physics C: E+M</p>

<p>Easiest: Calc AB</p>

<p>Still can’t believe I self-studied E+M and pulled a 5…</p>

<p>easiest: ap world history/ap calc ab/ap statistics
hardest: ap english language (barely anyone get an A in that class and the two teachers are the toughest graders)/ap comparative government (there were two A- and one A out of 30 people)</p>

<p>Out of the one’s I’ve taken…</p>

<p>Easiest: AP Stats
Hardest: AP Physics + APUSH</p>

<p>Regardless of AP Score statistics, each school seems to have their own “easy” and “hard” APs depending on the teachers.</p>

<p>I’ve only taken two so far, as I’m a Sophomore, so I have no big sample by any means.</p>

<p>Easiest: AP Chemistry (100 average - I love chem)
Hardest: AP U.S History (86 at Interim [ouch]; hopefully up to a ~90 by end of MP)</p>

<p>Our school’s easiest APs seem to be U.S Government, Environmental Science, and Human Geography, while the hardest many people claim to be AP Chem (I disagree), Bio, Physics C (School does not offer B), and AP English III/IV</p>

<p>easiest: AP psych, AP enviro, AP chem
hardest: AP compsci AB (only b/c i knew nothing about compsci before taking the class), AP spanish lan</p>

<p>Easiest: AP Environmental Science and Psych
Hardest: AP Calculus</p>

<p>But this is subjective</p>

<p>Easiest: AP USH, English Lit, possibly Calc AB
Hardest: AP Stats, no question. What an awful class.</p>

<p>I didn’t take Physics C but I can definately see how that could be the hardest. Comp Sci AB doesn’t exist anymore.</p>

<p>Of what I took:</p>

<p>Hardest: Calc BC
Easiest: Stats</p>

<p>While subjective, I think for the most part, Stats and Psych are generally considered easiest, and ones like Calc BC and Physics C and Comp Sci AB (when it existed) are the hardest.</p>

<p>From my experiences
Easiest: AP English Language and Composition
Hardest: AP Chemistry</p>